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The United States has rejected a resolution regarding Gaza that demanded an urgent ceasefire for humanitarian reasons.
Middle East World News

The United States has rejected a resolution regarding Gaza that demanded an urgent ceasefire for humanitarian reasons.

4:30 PM

The Security Council’s session has ended.

These are the main points:

  • The United States blocked a proposal presented by the United Arab Emirates, which had support from more than 90 member countries. The vote resulted in 13 in favor and the United Kingdom abstaining.

  • The leader of the United Nations initiated the most recent discussion on the crisis by issuing a clear warning that the circumstances necessary for the successful distribution of humanitarian aid are no longer present.

  • He stated that the entire world and history are keeping a close watch, and urged the global community to take all necessary measures to bring an end to the suffering of the people in Gaza.

  • According to Mr. Guterres, the United Nations is fully dedicated to remaining and providing aid for the inhabitants of Gaza.

  • The unsuccessful resolution acknowledged the Secretary-General’s reference to Article 99, expressed serious concern about the dire conditions in Gaza, and stressed the importance of safeguarding both Palestinian and Israeli civilians.

  • It called for an urgent ceasefire to address humanitarian needs and the prompt and unconditional release of hostages, along with granting humanitarian access.

  • The terror attacks carried out by Hamas on October 7 were not condemned.

  • Check out our colleagues at UN Meetings Coverage for summaries of this and other UN meetings in both English and French.

4:25 PM

‘s UN envoy

“The UN ambassador for Palestine emphasizes the importance of humanity prevailing.”

Riyad Mansour, the Permanent Observer for the State of Palestine, expressed deep disappointment and described it as a catastrophic situation that the Security Council was unable to fulfill its duties by passing a new resolution to address the current crisis.

“Millions of Palestinian lives hang in the balance, every single one of them is sacred and worth saving,” he said, adding that instead of allowing this Council to follow its mandate by finally making a clear call, after two months of massacres and atrocities, “the war criminals are given more time to perpetrate their crimes.”

“How could this be morally justified? How can one possibly justify the mass killing of a whole population?” he inquired.

4:03 PM

The UK condemns Hamas.

Ambassador Barbara Woodward stated that the UK did not vote for the draft resolution because it did not condemn the acts of violence by Hamas against innocent Israeli civilians on October 7th.

She stated that advocating for a temporary stop in fighting disregards the reality that Hamas has engaged in terrorist actions and is still keeping innocent civilians as captives. She pointed out that Israel must have the ability to confront the danger posed by Hamas, but it must do so in accordance with international humanitarian laws.

She emphasized the significance of actively pursuing a two-State solution that provides statehood for the Palestinians, security for Israel, and peace for both sides.

4:03 PM

France affirms that there is no contradiction between combatting terrorism and protecting civilians.

Nicolas de Rivière, the Permanent Representative of France, agreed with the UN Secretary-General’s decision to bring attention to the unfolding humanitarian crisis in Gaza.

“France voted in support of this resolution due to this reason, and we advocate for an urgent and enduring humanitarian ceasefire,” he stated.

According to the speaker, there is no conflict between fighting terrorism and safeguarding civilians, as long as international humanitarian laws are strictly followed. They also express disappointment that the Council has not yet denounced the attacks by Hamas and other terrorist organizations on October 7th.

“Regrettably, the Council has failed once more. Due to a lack of solidarity and a lack of genuine commitment to negotiation, the situation in Gaza continues to deteriorate and there is a danger of it escalating.”

3:53 PM

The US has made a resolution that is not based in reality.

Deputy Permanent Representative Robert A. Wood stated that the US has actively participated with sincerity in the drafting of the text, which aims to improve the chances of releasing hostages and providing aid to Gaza.

“Regrettably, the majority of our suggestions were disregarded, resulting in an unbalanced solution that was disconnected from reality and would not make any significant progress in the situation. Therefore, we were unable to give our support.”

He stated that the US is still puzzled as to why the creators of the resolution chose not to condemn the “horrific terrorist attack” by Hamas on Israel on October 7th.

It killed people from a range of nationalities, subjecting many to “obscene sexual violence.”

Earlier in the day, he had stated that an unconditional ceasefire would be perilous as it would allow Hamas to remain in power and potentially strike once more.

The situation was deemed to be extremely dangerous for Israel, the Palestinians, and the surrounding area.

According to him, if Hamas remains in power under a ceasefire, it would prevent Palestinians from creating a better future for themselves.

3:47 PM

US vetoes resolution

The ballot has been cast, with 13 individuals in agreement.

The United States voted against, while the United Kingdom chose to abstain. Due to the US veto, the resolution was not adopted.

Live airing of the Security Council’s afternoon session.

3:43 PM

According to Russia’s representative, Dmitriy Polyanskiy, US diplomacy is causing destruction and devastation. He questioned how the country could maintain its relationships with partners if it continues to prevent a ceasefire. He urged the US to make the correct decision and back the call for an end to the violence.

3:37 PM

Before the vote, the UAE representative stated that their resolution has been co-sponsored by at least 97 Member States. Their intention is clear – to call for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire.

He stated that saving lives at the moment should take priority over any other factors.

3:34 PM

The Council’s president, Ecuador’s permanent representative, has reconvened the meeting. Many non-member countries that co-sponsored the resolution are now participating.

3:28 PM

The vote will take place at the Security Council’s reconvened session.

The cameras are now rolling as the meeting resumes in open session. A vote is expected to take place shortly after it officially starts.

3:14 PM

Gathering in private session

Diplomats are currently convening in private before an expected vote on a fresh proposal presented by the United Arab Emirates. This topic was brought up by several participants during the earlier session regarding the Secretary General’s letter under Article 99.

The resolution acknowledges and declares that it is responding to the letter from the UN Secretary-General using the special authority granted by Article 99.

The preliminary proposal calls for an urgent pause in hostilities for the sake of humanitarian aid and the immediate and unconditional release of all captives. Diplomats have been engaged in intense discussions in the recent hours to finalize the wording.

The draft restates the Council’s request for all conflicting parties to adhere to their responsibilities according to international law, particularly in regards to safeguarding civilians in Palestine and Israel.

Resolutions in draft form do not hold an official stance of the Security Council until they are approved.

12:10 PM

Meeting in recess

The gathering has ended. The leader of the United Nations initiated the most recent gathering regarding the emergency with a strong caution that the circumstances for successful distribution of humanitarian assistance no longer exist.

He stated that both the world and history are observant, and urged the international community to take all necessary actions to put an end to the suffering of the people in Gaza.

The members of the Security Council are currently in talks about a revised resolution for the crisis and have planned to meet again at 5:30 PM in New York.

Mr. Guterres stated that the United Nations is fully dedicated to remaining and providing assistance for the residents of Gaza.

The Security Council’s morning meeting was broadcasted.

11:45 AM

We must react promptly: United Kingdom

The United Kingdom’s Ambassador and Permanent Representative to the UN, Barbara Woodward, emphasized the need for a prompt response.

She expressed shock at the large number of civilian deaths.

She acknowledged that her nation stands by Israel’s right to protect itself from Hamas’ acts of terrorism while also working towards the release of more than 100 hostages still being held in Gaza. She emphasized the importance of Israel being precise and focused in their efforts to achieve this goal.

She emphasized the need to safeguard civilians.

The ambassador, Woodward, emphasized the importance of a significant rise in sustainable and unimpeded assistance and necessary resources to avoid a humanitarian disaster.

“We must address the humanitarian crisis in Gaza, but we must also prevent further escalation in the West Bank, particularly in Occupied East Jerusalem,” she stated. She expressed concern over Israel’s approval of new settlements, as it will only contribute to increased tensions.

“Clarifying the matter, it should be noted that settlements are in violation of international laws. They hinder the possibility of achieving peace and pose a threat to the practicality and success of a two-state solution,” she stated, urging for an immediate change in Israel’s expansion policy.

Volunteers from the Sharek Network Forum NGO engage in recreational activities at the Ma'an school displacement site in Khan Younis.

© Sharek NGO

The Sharek Network Forum NGO volunteers participate in leisure activities at the Ma’an school displacement site in Khan Younis.

11:30 AM

France agrees to a new ceasefire, condemns Hamas terrorism.

France’s Ambassador Nicolas de Rivière restated the country’s request for “an urgent and enduring humanitarian pause” that would result in a permanent end to hostilities.

He stated that we need to take action and persist in our united efforts to support the people of Gaza.

He stated that France strongly condemns the Israeli government’s refusal to extend the visa of Lynn Hastings, the UN Resident Coordinator. Hastings is now expected to depart next week.

The speaker emphasized the need to stop Hamas’ actions and expressed dissatisfaction with the Security Council’s failure to condemn the October 7 terror attacks.

According to him, France is a reliable ally for Israel in their fight against Hamas. He believes that all groups, including Hamas, must immediately and unconditionally release any hostages being held in Gaza.

Ambassador de Rivière stated that the current situation in the West Bank is equally concerning. They reiterate their firm disapproval of recent actions related to settlements and the aggression by settler organizations towards Palestinians.

The country of France is contemplating taking action to prohibit travel and seize assets. However, the top priority at the moment is to establish a political future based on the only feasible solution, which is for two independent states to coexist peacefully and safely.

The French President has expressed his full dedication and is actively engaged in ongoing discussions with regional partners to find a solution.

The UN Population Fund and partners continue to provide some services for pregnant women in Gaza.

© PMRS Gaza

The UN Population Fund and its affiliates are still offering certain services for expecting mothers in Gaza.

11:16 AM

carmakers continue their slump

A major discrepancy: American automakers continue to experience a decline.

Robert A. Wood, the US Ambassador and Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations (UN), expressed concern over the failure of the Security Council to denounce Hamas’ terrorist attacks on October 7, which included acts of sexual violence and other reprehensible acts. This is a grave moral failure.

“He stated that this highlights the core disconnection between the conversations held in this assembly and the actual situation.”

He stated that it is unquestionably true that if Israel were to disarm on its own, Hamas would still keep hostages.

Ambassador Wood declared that currently, Hamas remains a danger to Israel and holds control over Gaza. He emphasized that no government would tolerate such a threat to persist on its borders, especially after incidents like the 7 October massacres.

Deputy Permanent Representative Robert A. Wood of the United States addresses the UN Security Council meeting on the situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian question.

UN Photo/Evan Schneider

Robert A. Wood, Deputy Permanent Representative of the United States, speaks at a UN Security Council meeting about the situation in the Middle East, specifically regarding the Palestinian issue.

The ceasefire will lay the groundwork for future conflicts.

He stated that the US strongly advocates for a lasting peace where both Israel and Palestine can coexist peacefully and safely. However, we do not endorse the idea of an immediate ceasefire as it would only lead to future conflicts. This is because Hamas does not want a long-term peace or a two-state resolution.

The Ambassador stated that Israel must adhere to international humanitarian law and carry out its operations in a manner that reduces harm to civilians.

In order to support and protect civilians, the US has provided assistance in creating a successful humanitarian deconfliction system with the UN, which is also responsible for overseeing its implementation.

During all of our discussions, we emphasized the importance of Israel preventing any more large-scale displacement of civilians in southern Gaza, as many of them have already fled violence. Additionally, Israel must make sure that there is enough humanitarian aid available for those who have been displaced.

He also mentioned that the citizens who were forced to leave Gaza should be given the chance to come back as soon as the situation improves.

He stated that there should be no permanent removal or decrease in the size of Gaza’s land. The US will not endorse the compelled movement of Palestinians from Gaza or the West Bank in any situation.

11:12 AM

China is calling for a prompt end to violence in order to prevent loss of life.

China’s Representative Zhang Jun expressed appreciation for the Secretary-General’s statement acknowledging the gravity of the situation in Gaza.

He stated that the draft resolution proposed by the UAE aligns with the international community’s plea, which China also supports and co-sponsors. This is because implementing an immediate ceasefire is crucial in saving lives and creating opportunities for a two-State solution.

A major crisis is looming, and the stability and safety of the region are in danger. The international community is paying close attention. The Member States have been cautioned to take action.

11:10 AM

Russia calls for the protection of Palestinians from extermination.

Dmitriy Polyanskiy, the Deputy Permanent Representative of Russia, stated that the temporary halt in fighting allowed both sides to achieve their immediate goals. However, Israel, with the backing of the United States, then proceeded to escalate their ground operation in Gaza, resulting in even more violence.

The speaker referenced a letter from the UN leader, highlighting the dire situation being experienced by non-military individuals.

The Security Council has yet to pass a definitive and mandatory resolution demanding that the involved parties cease the violence.

According to him, the conversations here are just meaningless talk.

According to him, if the Israeli military were to use flooding of Gaza with seawater as a strategy in war, it would be considered a violation of international law.

Today, the Council has a favorable chance to put an end to this irregular situation and fulfill the expectations of the international community. The resolution for a ceasefire will be passed later today, as declared by him.

Mr. Polyansky expressed his hope that all colleagues will have the determination and bravery to support the proposed resolution by the United Arab Emirates.

We must not forget about the potential for a resolution between Palestine and Israel using the “two-State formula,” which we believe is the only option.

He stated that we are prepared to address this issue, however, our main focus for today is to put an end to the fighting and protect the lives of Palestinian civilians from being destroyed.

10:52 AM

The United Arab Emirates is calling for action from the Security Council.

Ambassador Mohamed Issa Abushahab of the United Arab Emirates addresses the UN Security Council meeting on the situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian question.

UN Photo/Evan Schneider

Ambassador Mohamed Issa Abushahab from the United Arab Emirates speaks at the UN Security Council meeting regarding the current state of affairs in the Middle East, specifically regarding the Palestinian matter.

Ambassador and Deputy Permanent Representative of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) to the UN, Mohamed Issa Abushahab, stated that the lives of Gazans who have never been outside of the enclave are being destroyed in front of them.

He emphasized the urgency for the Security Council to address the crisis, as insufficient aid is being delivered and humanitarian workers are facing danger in attempting to distribute it.

“Although there was a short break, the threat of violence and harm to innocent civilians remains constant. This conflict has escalated to a more perilous stage,” he stated, pointing out that the blockade of Khan Yunis and other areas in southern Gaza has begun.

The Ambassador stated that there is currently no place of safety for the millions of individuals who are trapped and facing attacks.

10:48 AM

Israel claims that implementing a ceasefire will only extend Hamas’ period of causing fear and violence.

According to Gilad Erdan, the ambassador of Israel, the world has been greatly affected by Russia’s war against Ukraine. Surprisingly, the current Secretary-General has not used Article 99 of the UN Charter, even though there are other ongoing conflicts that have caused destabilization in entire regions.

According to him, the only way to achieve regional stability in the Middle East is by eliminating Hamas. He stated that calling for a ceasefire would not lead to this outcome.

On October 6, he mentioned that there was a ceasefire, but the next day, “thousands of Hamas Nazis” committed a massacre that has not been witnessed since the Holocaust.

According to Mr. Erdan, Hamas must be eliminated to prevent the group from committing repeated acts of violence. He also stated that the people of Gaza are living in impoverished conditions and if a ceasefire is agreed upon, the cycle of suffering and conflict will persist.

He stated that it conveyed a distinct message: “that the intentional atrocities committed by Hamas are being pardoned, and the oppression of Gazans by Hamas is being endorsed by the global community.”

Ambassador Gilad Erdan of Israel addresses the UN Security Council meeting on the situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian question.

UN Photo/Evan Schneider

Israel’s Ambassador Gilad Erdan spoke at a UN Security Council meeting about the current state of affairs in the Middle East, specifically addressing the Palestinian issue.

The ambassador of Israel stated that the primary instrument utilized by Hamas is terror, and their aim is to increase civilian casualties in order to exert greater pressure on Israel to give in.

According to him, Hamas is the main reason for the situation in Gaza. However, there has been no consequence for their wrongdoing. He wonders why Hamas is not being held accountable for their actions.

According to him, Israel permitted the entry of fuel tankers and medical supplies into Gaza during the ceasefire. However, he also stated that Hamas had disregarded the terms of the ceasefire.

The speaker stated that Hamas is currently holding 138 hostages and has not permitted the Red Cross to visit them or give their families any indication of their well-being. This action is considered a despicable act of war.

He stated that Israel will persist with its objective and also support “all efforts for humanitarian aid”. However, eliminating Hamas remains the sole solution.

10:25 AM

is not a place

The goal is not protection: Palestine is not a location.

Riyad Mansour, Permanent Observer of the Observer State of Palestine to the UN, outlined the impact of the strikes by Israel, saying the bombardment “placed every possible impediment on humanitarian aid and access.”

He expressed disbelief at the idea that we should ignore the fact that this aggression is targeting the Palestinian population in the Gaza strip. They have been under siege and faced bombings, causing them to be deprived of basic necessities for living.

The speaker expressed their frustration with media reports stating that Israel lacks clear goals in the current war. They questioned whether people are expected to ignore the fact that the ultimate objective is to forcibly remove the Palestinian population from the Gaza Strip.

According to him, expressing opposition towards the harm and displacement of Palestinians requires supporting an immediate halt to hostilities.

According to Mr. Mansour, by not requesting a temporary halt in fighting, you are also not requesting the only solution to stopping war crimes, crimes against humanity, and genocide. He believes that Israel’s actions in the war are characterized by horrific acts.

Riyad Mansour, Permanent Observer of the State of Palestine to the United Nations, addresses the Security Council meeting on the situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian question.

UN Photo/Loey Felipe

Riyad Mansour, the Permanent Observer for the State of Palestine at the United Nations, speaks at a Security Council session discussing the state of affairs in the Middle East, specifically the Palestinian issue.

Mansour stated that Israel’s goal in the war is not to ensure security, but to permanently eliminate any chance of Palestinian boldness and peace.

He stated that these intentions are evident in both the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, including East Jerusalem.

He emphasized the importance of international law, stating that the idea of Israel being an exception must come to an end immediately.

He stated, “Cease altering international law to justify Israeli wrongdoing and refrain from advocating for compliance with international law while backing an attack that has completely disregarded it.”

The Palestinian nation will not perish without reason, they deserve to be treated with dignity … we have worked hard for it, we have suffered greatly to achieve it … demonstrate your respect through actions, not just words, show us that you value our lives and our rights,” he stated.

10:05 AM

The circumstances necessary for successful delivery of aid are no longer present, according to Guterres.

The leader of the Council has officially started the meeting and requested the presence of the UN leader to address the group.

The Secretary-General of the United Nations, António Guterres, expressed his gratitude to ambassadors for their prompt reaction to his utilization of Article 99. He stated that he wrote the letter because the ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestinian militants has reached a critical stage.

The possibility of a complete breakdown of the aid system in Gaza is very high, and this could result in severe consequences.

He stated that there could be a complete breakdown of public order, leading to a greater need for large-scale migration into Egypt.

Secretary-General António Guterres addresses the Security Council meeting on the situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian question.

Loey Felipe’s UN Photo

The Secretary-General of the United Nations, António Guterres, speaks at the Security Council meeting about the current state of affairs in the Middle East, specifically regarding the Palestinian issue.

Dire consequences

He expressed concern that the outcome could have disastrous effects on the safety of the surrounding area. He also mentioned that the Occupied West Bank, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, and Yemen have already become involved in the war to different extents.

In my opinion, there is a clear and significant danger of worsening current challenges to keeping global peace and security.

He stated that over 130 of his coworkers have been killed, making it the biggest loss of life in the Organization’s history. Some employees bring their children to work, knowing they may face life or death together.

The current circumstances do not support the efficient distribution of humanitarian assistance.
– UN Secretary-General

The UN leader affirmed that despite this, the organization remains fully dedicated to remaining in Gaza and providing assistance to its citizens.

He stated that the humanitarian conditions were becoming unsustainable.

The circumstances for successfully providing humanitarian assistance are no longer present.

The terror of being a ‘human pinball’

The leader of the UN remarked that the devastating state of affairs is deteriorating with each passing day.

According to reports, over 17,000 Palestinians have lost their lives during Israel’s military operations. This includes 4,000 women and 7,000 children. Tens of thousands have also been wounded and there are numerous missing individuals who may be trapped under debris.

Approximately 85% of the people in Gaza have been forced to leave their homes. Many important buildings such as hospitals, schools, and UN facilities have suffered damage or been completely demolished.

According to Mr. Guterres, there is a significant danger of famine and starvation. He mentioned that 50% of individuals in northern Gaza and over 33% of displaced individuals in the south are currently experiencing severe hunger.

He stated that the assaults from the air, land, and sea are relentless and widespread. He also mentioned that those in Gaza are being instructed to constantly move in a chaotic manner, without access to basic necessities for survival.

Secretary-General António Guterres addresses the Security Council meeting on the situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian question.

UN Photo/Evan Schneider

The Secretary-General, António Guterres, speaks at a meeting of the Security Council about the current state of affairs in the Middle East, specifically addressing the issue of Palestine.

Strong disapproval of Hamas’ attacks.

The Secretary-General once again expressed strong disapproval of Hamas’ violent attacks against Israel on October 7, emphasizing his shock and disgust at the reports of sexual violence.

He stated that there is no acceptable reason for intentionally causing the death of approximately 1,200 individuals, including 33 young ones, causing injury to thousands more, and holding hundreds of people hostage. He also emphasized that while Hamas’s actions are cruel, they should not be used to justify punishing all Palestinians as a whole.

According to Mr. Guterres, the actions of Hamas, which include launching rockets without discrimination and using civilians as shields, go against the laws of war. However, this does not excuse Israel from their own violations.

He emphasized that the laws of international humanitarianism require the protection of civilians and guarantee their essential needs are fulfilled, such as by allowing for unobstructed delivery of humanitarian aid.

Looking into the abyss

The UN Secretary-General emphasized that the citizens of Gaza are facing a dire situation and urged the global community to take all necessary actions to alleviate their suffering.

The world’s gaze, as well as that of history, is fixed upon this moment.
– UN Secretary-General

The speaker stressed the importance of the Council’s efforts in advocating for a prompt humanitarian ceasefire, safeguarding civilians, and urgently providing necessary aid. They also highlighted the significance of a two-state solution, as outlined in UN resolutions and international law, where Israel and Palestine coexist peacefully and securely.

He stated that this is very important for Israelis, Palestinians, and for global peace and safety. The entire world, as well as history, is paying close attention.

09:40 AM

After the conversations, the Council members are anticipated to cast their votes later today on a preliminary proposal that calls for an urgent ceasefire for humanitarian reasons and the prompt and unconditional release of all captives.

The proposed resolution restates the Council’s call for all parties to fulfill their responsibilities according to global laws, particularly in regards to safeguarding civilians in Palestine and Israel.

The Security Council’s official stance is not reflected until the adoption of draft resolutions.

The Secretary-General cited Article 99 of the UN Charter, which gives him the duty to alert the Security Council of any situation that he believes could jeopardize international peace and security.

This was the initial instance in which Mr. Guterres had utilized the seldom invoked clause.

“Mr. Guterres, in a message on X (formerly known as Twitter), has requested the Council’s assistance in preventing a potential collapse of the humanitarian system in Gaza. He appeals for a declaration of a humanitarian ceasefire to avoid a catastrophic situation.”


The most recent gathering of the Council:

On 29 November, the Security Council held an open doors meeting to discuss the current situation in Gaza. Here are the key points from that discussion:

  • .

    The need for a genuine ceasefire focused on humanitarian efforts was emphasized by UN Secretary-General António Guterres, who expressed concern over the dire situation in Gaza and stressed the importance of freeing all hostages.

  • UN Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process, Tor Wennesland, stated that on the occasion of the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People, his message is still relevant: A new and innovative approach is necessary, otherwise we will continue down the path of simply trying to control a conflict that is clearly unmanageable.

  • The council’s members, including a number of ministers, strongly condemned the worsening humanitarian situation and praised the current cessation of hostilities. Some urged for the complete implementation of resolution 2712 regarding the crisis.

  • at achieving a ceasefire

    “The ambassador of Malta, who was responsible for drafting resolution 2712, expressed the urgency of preventing further loss of life. The resolution was passed in mid-November after multiple unsuccessful efforts to secure a ceasefire.”

  • Other individuals who are not part of the Council also expressed similar views, including the Prime Minister of Qatar who stated that it is crucial to take concrete actions towards achieving peace. He emphasized that the region cannot truly experience peace and stability unless a Palestinian State is established.

  • The Israeli ambassador stated that the Council has failed to recognize Hamas’s significant contribution to the destruction of the region.

  • The Minister of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates from the observer State of Palestine stated that we are currently facing a significant turning point in history.
