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The Security Council has been called upon to put an end to the conflict and acknowledge Palestine.
Middle East World News

The Security Council has been called upon to put an end to the conflict and acknowledge Palestine.

Over 70 representatives expressed significant worries about the current humanitarian crisis as the Gaza conflict nears its fourth month.

The Council members, along with the rest of the UN members, decided on Tuesday that the main focus of the discussion would be pressuring Israel to agree to a two-state solution. Failure to do so could result in an ongoing war, posing a greater danger to global stability.

At the beginning of the meeting, UN Secretary-General António Guterres emphasized that it is crucial for all parties to recognize the Palestinian people’s right to establish their own fully independent State. Any opposition to the two-State solution must be firmly rejected.

He informed the Council that the only solution to address the valid desires of both Israelis and Palestinians is through the establishment of two separate states.

Several speakers on Tuesday urged the Council to find a solution to the impasse caused by vetoes and put an end to the violence and “humanitarian crisis” in Gaza.

Some speakers emphasized the need for the 15-member body responsible for maintaining global peace and security to increase accountability for Israel’s continuous perpetration of a “genocide” against Palestinians.

Stop the genocide: OIC

Ambassador Sidi Mohamed Laghdaf of Mauritania addresses the Security Council meeting on the situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian question.

UN Photo/Evan Schneider

Ambassador Sidi Mohamed Laghdaf of Mauritania addresses the Security Council meeting on the situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian question.

The Ambassador of Mauritania, Sidi Mohamed Laghaf, representing the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), stated that the targeted killing of innocent people is a clear indication of the intention to commit genocide. He expressed several concerns, including the widespread destruction of civilian buildings such as hospitals, and denounced any attempts to forcefully relocate Palestinians, which is considered a war crime.

He stated that Israel’s refusal to provide necessary resources is making a dire situation worse, and urgent action is necessary. The global community must act quickly to stop these offenses and hold those responsible accountable, including for the large-scale imprisonment of Palestinians, following the guidelines of international humanitarian law.

He urged the Council to take stronger measures in implementing its resolutions, stopping future acts of aggression and genocide, and ensuring that Israel abides by international law. He also called for immediate steps to end the ongoing conflict, protect Palestinians at an international level, and establish a safe humanitarian passage.

He declared that the only path to progress is by implementing a two-state solution.

Brazil is advocating for a shift towards genuine diplomacy.

Ambassador Sérgio França Danese of Brazil addresses the Security Council meeting on the situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian question.

UN Photo/Evan Schneider

Sérgio França Danese, the Ambassador of Brazil, speaks at the Security Council meeting about the situation in the Middle East and the Palestinian issue.

The Brazilian Ambassador, Sérgio França Danese, emphasized the importance of “genuine diplomacy and sincere political determination” in facilitating successful multilateral efforts to resolve the conflict and achieve a two-state solution.

He stated that we are currently experiencing the most brutal conflict, which poses a serious threat to the potential for peaceful coexistence between Israelis and Palestinians. He urged for a prompt stop to the fighting in Gaza before it is too late to salvage anything.

According to him, the International Court of Justice (ICJ) must take immediate steps to prevent the possibility of genocide in South Africa. These measures should include an immediate ceasefire, although they may not address the underlying issues causing the conflict.

Assist in putting an end to the conflict in Iraq immediately.

Abbas Kadhom Obaid Al-Fatlawi, the Deputy Permanent Representative of Iraq, stated that the ongoing blockade and collective punishment against the Palestinian people persists. He also expressed disappointment in the Council’s lack of action, which has resulted in a dire humanitarian crisis.

Despite two resolutions passed at Emergency Special Sessions by UN Member States to halt the aggression, Israel has continued to disregard pleas for a ceasefire.

He stated that the recent events in the Occupied Palestinian Territory will have significant implications for the surrounding area. He cautioned that if the current actions continue and the Council does not fulfill its duties, the conflict will escalate beyond its borders.

He stated that enlarging the dispute will not lead to a resolution. The resolution to end this war lies in the Security Council’s adoption of a resolution.

Syria denies attempt to portray ‘executioners as victims’.

Alhakam Dandy, Deputy Permanent Representative of Syria, addresses the Security Council meeting on the situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian question.

The photograph was taken by Eskinder Debebe for the United Nations.

Alhakam Dandy, the Deputy Permanent Representative of Syria, speaks at the Security Council meeting regarding the current state of the Middle East, specifically addressing the issue of Palestine.

The Syrian Ambassador, Alhakam Dandy, expressed his memories of the destruction in Gaza, claiming that Israel is utilizing banned weapons, such as phosphorous, and is guilty of committing acts of genocide and crimes against humanity.

Certain nations are trying to justify the actions of Israel, essentially portraying them as victims while acting as executioners, all in the name of self-defense.

He urged the Council to take responsibility and implement prompt and efficient actions to stop Israeli assaults and put an end to the lack of consequences.

He stated his backing for South Africa’s case at the International Court of Justice, where temporary measures are set to be announced this Friday. He also mentioned that Syria has also suffered from severe violations.

According to the speaker, hostile actions such as expanding settlements and exploiting natural resources in the occupied Golan are being carried out in order to target residential areas in Damascus and other regions of Syria.

Achieving peace in the region relies on the implementation of the two-State solution, specifically in Ireland.

Condemning the 7 October attacks against Israel, Ireland’s Ambassador Fergal Mythen, reiterated a call for the release of hostages. At the same time, Israel must limit its action in Gaza, in line with international humanitarian laws requiring military operations to respect the principles of distinction, proportionality and precaution, he said.

He went on to say that reaching peace depends on a solution involving two separate states, and that the rejection of this idea by Israeli President Benjamin Netanyahu is unacceptable.

Stressing that the Security Council has restated its dedication to the two-State solution in its pertinent resolutions, he stated “currently, the realization of this goal is of utmost urgency.”

A young boy walks over the rubble of his destroyed home in Gaza City.

© UNICEF/Omar Al-Qattaa

A child strolls through the debris of his ruined residence in Gaza City.

Below are the key takeaways from the meeting on Tuesday.

Key Points Discussed in the Debate

The United Nations Secretary-General, António Guterres, expressed his disapproval of Israel’s repeated refusal of the two-State solution during a debate on Tuesday. He stated that this denial, along with the denial of statehood to the Palestinian people, could lead to a prolonged conflict that poses a significant risk to global peace and security.

Many council members strongly advocated for the implementation of a two-State solution and an end to the ongoing conflict. Several also stressed the importance of an immediate ceasefire to alleviate the suffering of Palestinians and ensure the timely delivery of necessary aid.

Several speakers representing the broader membership of the UN echoed the same requests.

The Deputy Prime Minister of Jordan pleaded for an end to the brutal violence.

The Foreign Affairs Minister for the Observer State of Palestine stated, “We have limited time and must choose between a fire spreading or a ceasefire.”

The Ambassador of Israel stated that if the Council persists in offering assistance to Gaza without acknowledging the potential danger posed by Iran in the region, it could lead to a bleak future for the world.

To access summaries of various UN meetings, please visit our colleagues at UN Meetings Coverage in both English and French.
