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Insufficient funding jeopardizes WFP activities in Chad.
Africa World News

Insufficient funding jeopardizes WFP activities in Chad.

The caution is issued while relief organizations rush to react to a new surge of people being forced to leave their homes due to the ongoing humanitarian crisis in the Darfur area of Sudan. There are reports of large-scale violence, sexual assaults, and extensive damage.

The current crisis is happening during the ongoing conflict between the Sudanese military and the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) that began in April.

Millions going hungry

Over 2.3 million individuals in Chad, with 1.3 million being children, were already experiencing food insecurity caused by climate change, increasing costs of food and fuel, decreasing agricultural output, and conflicts between communities.

The nation is currently providing refuge for over one million individuals, making it one of the biggest and most rapidly growing refugee communities in Africa.

Pierre Honnorat, WFP’s Director in Chad, stated that the number of Darfuris seeking refuge in Chad in the past six months has surpassed that of the past two decades. We must take action to prevent our life-saving efforts from ceasing in Chad.

Aid suspension imminent

Mr. Honnorat requested increased assistance to aid refugees from Sudan, who arrive at the border with only disturbing stories of violence.

He cautioned that providing aid for cutting could lead to problems with malnutrition, instability, and displacement.

The WFP announced that they will have to halt aid for displaced individuals and refugees from Nigeria, Central African Republic, and Cameroon beginning in December.

In January, the suspension will be expanded to include 1.4 million individuals nationwide, including recent immigrants from Sudan.

The United Nations organization is requesting $185 million to fund its activities for the upcoming six months.
