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The blockade in the Israel-Palestine conflict is jeopardizing aid to Gaza, while the WHO draws attention to the severe mental health concerns in Israel.
Middle East World News

The blockade in the Israel-Palestine conflict is jeopardizing aid to Gaza, while the WHO draws attention to the severe mental health concerns in Israel.

The main hospital in Gaza’s southern region has issued a warning that life-saving surgeries will be halted on Wednesday evening due to a lack of fuel. This comes after the United Nations Secretary-General, António Guterres, called for an urgent ceasefire to address the humanitarian crisis.

On Tuesday, he informed the Security Council that a ceasefire was necessary in order to alleviate immense suffering, simplify the delivery of aid, ensure safety, and aid in the release of hostages.

He stated that while the attacks by Hamas on October 7 were unjustifiable, it’s crucial to acknowledge that they were not isolated incidents and should not be used as justification for punishing all Palestinians.

In the last day, the UN Palestinian refugee agency (UNRWA) reported three additional staff casualties due to ongoing Israeli airstrikes in Gaza. This brings the total number of staff deaths to 38 since the start of the military blockade.

According to UNRWA, a school in Rafah, located in the southern region, suffered significant destruction after being hit by a nearby attack. The school was providing refuge for approximately 4,600 internally displaced persons.

The Ministry of Health, which is controlled by Hamas, has stated that there have been approximately 5,800 fatalities in Gaza since October 7, with 2,360 being children. Over 16,000 people have also been wounded.

According to UNRWA, 95 individuals have lost their lives and 1,900 have sustained injuries in the West Bank.

Israel is experiencing intense trauma.

Dr. Michel Thieren, the Special Representative of the UN health agency WHO in Israel, stated that the hostage crisis in Gaza has greatly impacted the mental health of survivors and created a collective psychological burden. As a result, there has been a significant increase in mental health needs. Over 220 Israelis and foreign nationals are still being held captive, causing further trauma.

While at a hospital in Ashkelon, located in southern Israel, which is providing care for a large number of the 4,600 individuals injured in the attacks, Dr. Thieren noted that “nearly all of these survivors witnessed someone else’s death before sustaining their own injuries.”

-eastern region of the United States have been abandoned after being

Many towns in the southeastern United States have been deserted and left empty, earning them the nickname “ghost towns”.

The mental well-being of the doctors and nurses observed by the WHO representative in Israel was significantly impacted by the stories of survivors and the injuries they were tending to.

He also toured military facilities where the corpses of 1,400 victims of the Hamas assaults are being kept in refrigerated units, and discussed the toll it takes on the doctors and forensic specialists tasked with identifying them.

Dr. Thieren stated that he has been to abandoned towns in the southern region where the residents were forced to leave. Despite the absence of people, the unpleasant smell of death still lingers. The entire nation has been consumed by sorrow and mourning, causing a dark and gloomy atmosphere. When one’s mental well-being deteriorates, it can also negatively impact their physical health.

Fuel critically low

In Gaza, the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) has issued a warning that without access to fuel, they will be unable to continue their humanitarian efforts starting Wednesday evening. They are currently the main source of aid in the area.

Since October 11, Gaza has experienced a complete power outage and shortages of fuel have affected crucial services such as ambulances, bakeries, and water facilities.

The World Health Organization (WHO) also emphasized the urgent necessity of delivering fuel to Gaza. Without it, hospitals will not have access to electricity or clean water.

Tarik Jasarevic, speaking from Cairo, stated that in the absence of fuel, infants relying on incubators for life support will perish and a larger population will experience hardship.

As per news sources, a fourth convoy of humanitarian aid was delivered to the enclave via the Rafah border crossing on Tuesday evening. The convoy included eight trucks from the Egyptian Red Crescent.

According to the UN humanitarian affairs coordination office (OCHA), Tuesday marked the deadliest day in Gaza during the current period of conflict, with the highest number of fatalities reported.

According to the Ministry of Health, which is controlled by Hamas, a total of 704 Palestinians, including 305 children, lost their lives in the territory, bringing the overall death toll to 5,791.

The struggles faced by females, particularly in terms of social and gender inequality.

UN Women has echoed the United Nations Secretary-General’s appeal for a humanitarian ceasefire and brought attention to the challenges faced by women and girls in Gaza during the recent escalation.

In an interview with UN News, Sarah Hendriks, the Deputy Executive Director of UN Women, emphasized the pressing importance of providing safe shelter, protection, and maternal healthcare to women and girls in Gaza. Hendriks referenced a report from UNFPA, the UN Population Fund, which states that there are approximately 50,000 pregnant women in Gaza currently, with over 5,500 expected to deliver in the coming month.

The availability of healthcare in Gaza is becoming more restricted by the hour. According to the World Health Organization, as of Tuesday, one third of hospitals and almost two thirds of primary health care clinics in the region have ceased operations.

Ms. Hendriks further stated that approximately 900 new households headed by women have emerged as a result of the violence. She drew attention to the challenges faced by widows in supporting their families. She also expressed concern about the ongoing risk of gender-based violence, which is exacerbated by mass displacement and the crowded living conditions in shelters.

“We will continue to remain on the ground listening to the voices of women and girls, hearing their perspectives and translating those to the international community so that their needs can be prioritized even as the solutions to the overall conflict are being addressed,” Ms. Hendriks said.

The source is the United Nations website for news.