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in eastern

The report uncovers increasing fatalities and violations of human rights in the eastern region of Ukraine.
Europe World News

in eastern The report uncovers increasing fatalities and violations of human rights in the eastern region of Ukraine.

Unfortunately, the statistics show the devastating impact of Russia’s complete military takeover on innocent Ukrainian citizens. On average, nearly six people were killed and 20 were wounded every day from February to July of this year.

According to Danielle Bell, the head of the Mission, over 1,000 civilians lost their lives and almost 4,000 were wounded within the six-month period covered by this report.

Fear and destruction

The ongoing Russian missile strikes on residential areas, important infrastructure, and food and farming facilities in Ukraine are causing fear and devastation.

In regions controlled by Russia, innocent civilians are subjected to torture, mistreatment, sexual violence, and unjust imprisonment. Many individuals are still incarcerated, leaving their loved ones unaware of their well-being.

The conflict has led to a significant number of Ukrainians living below the poverty line, made worse by widespread damage to critical infrastructure and agricultural sites.

‘Horrific legacy’

In June, the Khakovka dam was destroyed, leading to significant flooding and an environmental catastrophe. According to the report, this event will have lasting negative impacts on the rights and well-being of those residing in the affected area.

Ms. Bell stated that the war has caused immense destruction and suffering for millions of Ukrainians, including children who will have to endure the long-term effects of human casualties, destruction of infrastructure, and environmental harm. She specifically mentioned concerns about contamination from explosive remnants of war.

Widespread torture

During the reporting period, human rights monitors observed and recorded numerous instances of torture and mistreatment inflicted upon civilians and prisoners of war (POWs). These abuses included severe physical assaults, electric shocks, simulated executions, sexual violence, and degrading treatment.

The detention conditions remained abysmal, characterized by inadequate provision of food and medical care, overcrowding, unsanitary living conditions, sleep deprivation, and isolation from the outside world. Russia has consistently denied access to the UN’s human rights observers.

On the other hand, Ukraine still allows them unrestricted entry to incarcerated prisoners of war, and the report states that the conditions at their POW camp near Lviv have gotten better.

Latest information about the assault on Olevnika

The UN Mission has urged for additional inquiry into the assault on the penal colony in Olevnika in July 2022, where 51 Ukrainian prisoners of war lost their lives and at least 139 were wounded.

The investigation concluded that a HIMARS missile was not utilized in the assault. Russia also received backlash for housing prisoners of war near the battle zone, which goes against humanitarian protocols, and for denying the UN access to the location.

The text discusses Russia’s implementation of administrative and educational systems in areas it governs. People living in these regions were forced to adopt Russian citizenship and some men were compelled to join the military.

The report acknowledged the progress made on certain issues in regions under Ukraine’s control, but also highlighted the ongoing prosecution of numerous individuals for allegedly collaborating with Russia in areas previously occupied by Russian forces.

Moving children and forced removal from a country.

The report expressed worry about the well-being of Ukrainian children, particularly those in institutional care, who were relocated within occupied territories or sent to Russia.

The article highlighted instances where children were taken to summer camps in Russia with parental approval but were not brought back home.

According to the report, Russia has not been successful in identifying and reuniting children with their families. It is recommended that all individuals, including children and those with disabilities, who have been deported or transferred, be returned.
