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A powerful earthquake in Herat, Afghanistan has resulted in the death of at least 100 individuals.
Asia Pacific World News

A powerful earthquake in Herat, Afghanistan has resulted in the death of at least 100 individuals.

According to the latest report from the UN humanitarian office (OCHA), initial evaluations show that the earthquake with a magnitude of 6.3 resulted in fatalities in eight villages, with approximately 500 individuals sustaining injuries. It also caused destruction of 465 homes and damage to 135 others. Mahal Wadakah suffered the most severe impact.

after earthquake

After the earthquake, rescuers are searching through collapsed buildings.

Partners and local officials predicted a rise in the number of casualties as search and rescue operations persisted, following reports that individuals may be stuck beneath buildings that have crumbled.

According to OCHA, multiple aftershocks have occurred since the initial earthquake, which struck at around 11am local time in western Afghanistan, 40 kilometres west of Herat. The quake was also felt in nearby provinces of Badghis and Farah.

The UN agency reported that a total of 4,200 individuals, equivalent to approximately 600 families, have been impacted so far. This includes 1,400 people who have been displaced within their own country.

Humanitarian response

Working together with the unofficial leaders, such as the Afghanistan National Disaster Management Authority, the International Organization for Migration (IOM), World Food Programme (WFP), and other organizations providing assistance, five rapid evaluation teams were deployed as an initial reaction.

Humanitarian partners have initiated relief efforts, deploying medical and trauma support to regional hospitals alongside emergency shelter, food, supplies, and assistance to people in affected areas.

Humanitarian response

Currently, 200 individuals are receiving urgent medical treatment for injuries at Herat Provincial Hospital. The World Health Organization (WHO) has sent three trauma kits to the hospital, which are capable of providing treatment for 150 surgeries.

IOM and UNHCR will jointly assist 700 families in need by providing emergency shelter, including 640 tents, blankets, and other necessary items.

The World Food Programme (WFP) will distribute high-energy biscuits to 710 households who have been impacted in various villages in Zindajan district. Additionally, the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) will supply 1,300 dignity kits to support women and girls.

UNICEF is scheduled to send an emergency team to Zindajan on Sunday.
