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The situation in Karabakh remains a top concern for the United Nations, and our response efforts are ongoing.
Asia Pacific World News

The situation in Karabakh remains a top concern for the United Nations, and our response efforts are ongoing.

The UNHCR, also known as the UN Refugee Agency, is providing crucial relief items through ongoing aid efforts.

On Thursday, UN Spokesperson Stéphane Dujarric announced that a delivery of 180 foldable beds, along with hundreds of foam mattresses, beds, pillows, and blankets, was transported by 16 trucks supported by UNHCR.

Dignity kits

UNFPA has been actively providing dignity kits to support women and girls in maintaining hygiene after being displaced.

As of now, around 13,000 kits have been handed out.

Furthermore, the organization is actively assisting community service providers in preventing violence based on gender and offering education to partners on providing support that prioritizes the needs of survivors.

Child protection

UNICEF has provided training for social workers who focus on protecting children in emergency situations.

The organization has opened one of its two intended support centers in Goris, the main city where refugees are being resettled.

In addition, UNICEF is striving to enhance mental health assistance and management of child protection cases.

Green energy

Similarly, the UNDP is dedicating resources to implementing renewable energy solutions in order to address the energy needs of refugees and the communities hosting them.

Reworded: Some of the solutions involve using solar panels, water heaters, and bio-toilets.
