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The United States has reported an increase in flu cases and a possible peak in RSV infections.
Science & Health

The United States has reported an increase in flu cases and a possible peak in RSV infections.

The occurrence of influenza is increasing, while respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) lung infections, which can severely affect children and elderly individuals, may have reached their peak, according to statements from U.S. health authorities on Friday.

According to Dr. Mandy Cohen, head of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, COVID-19 remains the leading cause of hospitalizations and deaths among respiratory illnesses. Approximately 15,000 hospitalizations and 1,000 deaths occur each week due to this virus.

The organization is investigating cases of pneumonia in children in two states. However, Cohen stated that there is no proof linking them to any atypical causes.

In early November, seven states reported a high incidence of flu-like sickness during the flu season. A recent CDC report released on Friday showed that the number has increased to 11 states, primarily in the South and Southwest regions.

Over the past month, there has been a significant increase in RSV infections in certain regions of the country. This has led to a nearly full capacity of hospital emergency departments in Georgia, Texas, and other states. However, according to Cohen, it is believed that we are either currently at the peak of RSV season or will reach it within the next week.

Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is a frequent culprit behind mild cold symptoms, but it can pose a serious threat to infants and the elderly.

Cohen was questioned regarding the incidence of pneumonia cases in children in Massachusetts and Warren County, Ohio, which is close to Cincinnati. The lung infection can have various origins and may result from complications of COVID-19, influenza, or RSV.

Health authorities in Ohio have documented 145 instances of illness since August, with the majority of affected children making a full recovery at home. According to officials, the sicknesses were attributed to a range of widespread viruses and bacteria.

Health officials in Massachusetts reported a slight rise in cases of pneumonia among children, which is expected for this time of year.

In China, there has been a recent increase in respiratory illnesses, which officials believe is due to the flu and other common causes.
