The United Nations’ human rights chief condemns the banning of the ‘global LGBTQ+ movement’ in Russia.

The Ministry of Justice successfully argued in the Supreme Court of Russia that the “international LGBT movement” was engaging in actions that were deemed “extremist” and were stirring up conflict between social and religious groups, which goes against the country’s law on combatting extremism.
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Any group identified as extremist will be disbanded immediately, and its leaders may face a maximum sentence of 10 years in jail.
‘Serious’ ramifications
The decision exposes human rights defenders and anyone standing up for the rights of LGBT people to being labelled as ‘extremist’, which “serious social and criminal ramifications in Russia,” said Mr. Türk.
He stated that it is unacceptable for anyone to be incarcerated for engaging in human rights advocacy or have their human rights suppressed because of their sexual orientation or gender identity.
He pleaded with Moscow to revoke any laws that unfairly limit the activities of human rights advocates or discriminate against members of the LGBT community.
Equality and non-discrimination
He stated that the law should support and safeguard the values of fairness and non-bias. The law should never be utilized to prolong unfairness and bias.
The United Nations human rights leader has urged for changes to be made to laws that block “gender-affirming” medical and administrative actions as well as those that forbid what is referred to as “LGBT propaganda.” These laws currently make it a crime to openly address LGBT matters in Russia.
Additionally, he voiced ongoing worry over the widespread application of the term “extremist” to target anyone seen as a dissident, including government officials, members of the media, and activists.