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The UN Secretary-General calls for a return to the two-State solution in resolving the Gaza crisis.
Middle East World News

The UN Secretary-General calls for a return to the two-State solution in resolving the Gaza crisis.

At the yearly World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, the leader of the United Nations denounced the “cruel” assaults by Hamas on October 7th that resulted in the deaths of about 1,200 individuals in southern Israel and the capture of 250 hostages.

Amidst reports of continuous intense bombing by Israel, resulting in the deaths of tens of thousands of civilians and repeated warnings from UN officials about the risk of famine and disease among 1.9 million displaced individuals, Mr. Guterres stated that the conflict has already had a ripple effect on the surrounding region.

Conflict already widening

The Secretary-General of the UN emphasized that a complete confrontation between Israel and Lebanon, with ongoing rocket and weapon exchanges along the border, resulting in loss of life, would be a catastrophic event.

He stated that any escalation must be avoided at all costs, referring to the recent attacks by Houthi fighters in Yemen on ships in the Red Sea. These attacks serve as evidence that current attempts to address the Gaza crisis have been insufficient.

“It is crucial to prioritize addressing the humanitarian crisis in Gaza and implementing a humanitarian ceasefire. However, it is imperative that the international community fully commits to finding a lasting two-State solution for Israel and Palestine, as this is crucial for creating a stable and peaceful Middle East that benefits all.”

Territorial integrity key

The UN Secretary-General stated that the key to ensuring security for both Israelis and Palestinians is for each group to have their own state. He reiterated the importance of respecting a country’s territorial integrity, specifically in relation to Ukraine, which has been under threat since the Russian invasion nearly two years ago.

According to Mr. Guterres, there have been numerous violations of international law and the Geneva Conventions by parties involved in conflicts such as Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, Sudan, and the recent events in Gaza. This disregard for international law has also led to a threat to the global economy due to increasing geopolitical divisions.

The UN Secretary-General has implored world leaders and the private sector to take action in order to preserve trust in government and safeguard the foundations of international collaboration. He is calling for reforms within financial institutions to help bring the world back to a state of security, prosperity, and harmony.

“Strongly committed” to addressing climate change.

The speaker addressed the global economic elite, stating that a significant factor contributing to the world’s problems is the division between the wealthy, powerful few and the rest of the world. He urged for meaningful discussions between developed countries and developing nations struggling with high levels of debt.

Mr. Guterres emphasized that many countries in the Global South were severely impacted by exorbitant interest rates, preventing them from adequately preparing their citizens for the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). He stressed the urgency of this issue, as these goals are crucial for the future well-being of their populations. Despite this, he noted that several countries are still determined to increase their emissions of greenhouse gases.

“The UN Secretary-General stated that the fossil fuel sector has initiated a new expensive campaign to hinder progress and ensure the continuous production of oil and gas. He also addressed the lack of collaboration among many countries to combat the climate crisis, noting the visible disappearance of glaciers in Switzerland.”

The advantages of AI are necessary at this time.

The United Nations leader called for action against the negative effects of Artificial Intelligence (AI), similar to how action is needed for climate change. There is currently no effective global strategy in place for addressing these unintended consequences caused by Big Tech.

The potential for sustainable development is great with AI technology, as stated by Mr. Guterres to the audience at Davos. However, he also mentioned the International Monetary Fund’s warning that it could potentially exacerbate inequality. He then proceeded to criticize technology companies for prioritizing profit over human rights and personal privacy, displaying a blatant disregard for them.

The Secretary-General emphasized that due to ongoing geopolitical divisions and modern challenges, it is not surprising that individuals are becoming disillusioned with governments, institutions, and financial and economic systems.

Despite the Russian incursion into Ukraine and the ongoing crisis in the Middle East, which have caused a division among the Permanent Members of the UN Security Council not seen in years, Mr. Guterres remains hopeful that advancements can still be made in other important areas of global collaboration.

$14-million men

He stated that there is much that can be accomplished in the areas of economy, climate, and technology due to the emergence of a new global order with multiple centers of power, providing opportunities for leadership, stability, and fairness.

The UN leader emphasized the necessity of a restructured and fair multilateral system to prevent a widespread lack of consequences, where certain countries prioritize their own gain at any expense. He also denounced the extreme wealth inequality that has resulted in the top billionaires earning $14 million an hour.

“Simultaneously, Mr. Guterres observed that approximately five billion people, which is more than half of the world’s population, have experienced a decline in their economic status.”

The source of this information is from the United Nations News website.