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The Security Council was briefed by the mission chief on the unimaginable devastation caused by floods in Libya.
Africa World News

The Security Council was briefed by the mission chief on the unimaginable devastation caused by floods in Libya.

During his report to the Security Council, Abdoulaye Bathily highlighted the significant loss of life caused by the dam breaches that devastated entire communities following the passage of Storm Daniel on September 10th.

The Special Representative informed ambassadors that although ordinary Libyans have displayed a sense of national unity and compassion, the disaster has exposed significant shortcomings in governance within the divided nation. This is due to the presence of two rival administrations: the Government in Tripoli, which is recognized internationally, and the parliament in Benghazi, located in the east.

Witness to a catastrophic sight.

“I personally witnessed the extent of the catastrophe and listened to families recounting their losses, including those who lost all their loved ones,” stated Mr. Bathily. “I saw a scene of devastation where vast areas of the city were completely engulfed by water,” he reported to the Council.

The United Nations, in collaboration with both local and international allies, promptly reacted to the emergency by delivering crucial assistance and spearheading search and rescue efforts. The current priority is directed towards initiating early rehabilitation and rebuilding efforts.

The floods in northeastern Libya have displaced more than 43,000 people.

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Over 43,000 individuals have been displaced by the floods in northeastern Libya.

Stop arguing about rebuilding.

According to Mr. Bathily, the split leadership has effectively aided in rescue missions, with the Libyan National Army (LNA) in the east creating a coordination center to assist rescue teams. He also noted that armed groups from both the eastern and western regions showed exceptional unity during this time.

He voiced worry about the evident splits among the leaders of Libya regarding the rebuilding of Derna and the impacted regions.

Mr. Bathily warned that disorganized efforts could result in more disappointment for the people of Derna and all of Libya. Many are anticipating a swift recovery and effective reconstruction of the impacted regions.

Electoral progress

The UNSMIL leader acknowledged some advancements in the effort to successfully conduct national elections and establish a new unified government.

In recent weeks, a group made up of members from opposing administrations was given the responsibility of creating regulations for the upcoming elections. They have successfully finished their task and have released revised electoral laws that have been agreed upon by all parties, with some minor concerns.

Mr. Bathily cautioned that any remaining disputes regarding electoral laws could potentially undermine the progress made by the opposing chambers and the compromises they have reached thus far.

He stated that a broader range of support was necessary to protect the advancement towards voting, urging all participating parties to come together and reach a binding political agreement.

He stated that a united government will serve as the foundation for leading Libya towards elections. He also reassured that UNSMIL is prepared to provide assistance.

The source of this information is the United Nations News website.