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The limitations imposed on women in Afghanistan persist without any decrease, according to a report by the United Nations.
Asia Pacific World News

The limitations imposed on women in Afghanistan persist without any decrease, according to a report by the United Nations.

According to a report by the UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA), around 400 female workers at a pine nut processing facility and 200 employees at a power plant were barred from their jobs and terminated. This has greatly disrupted the lives of those affected.

The Mission observed that women were detained for buying birth control and that single female employees at a medical facility were pressured by officials from the Department for the Propagation of Virtue and Prevention of Vice to get married, or else face job termination.

According to reports, the officials declared that it was unacceptable for an unmarried woman to be employed.

Numerous females were also prohibited from riding buses or attending work due to their single status or lack of a mahram – a male companion – to accompany them in public.

in Indonesia

Implementation of ‘hijab’ mandate in Indonesia

The report mentioned that numerous women were arrested without reason in Kabul and other places for failing to wear appropriate hijab.

The majority were set free once their mahrams agreed to ensure that they will comply with the hijab decree going forward.

“The actions of the de facto authorities are in opposition to the hijab decree,” UNAMA stated.

“If the decree is violated for the first time, a warning will be given to the individual’s mahram (at their place of residence). For a second violation, the individual’s mahram will be called in. A third violation may result in the individual’s mahram being imprisoned for up to three days. In case of a fourth violation, the individual’s mahram will be brought before the de facto court for additional measures.”

Freedom of expression

The UNAMA also stated that the governing powers continued to violate the right to freely express oneself by restricting access to information and the ability to share ideas.

On December 14th, the Taliban’s Ministry of Higher Education sent out a notice directing all universities and private educational institutions to eliminate any books that go against the Hanafi law.

The report mentioned that it covers books about Shi’a beliefs, political groups, and works written by people connected to the Taliban’s ousted government.

Between September and December, four activists fighting for women’s rights and three employees of a radio station were detained for simply performing their duties.

Even though five individuals were freed, one advocate for rights is still being held and one reporter was given a one-year jail sentence.

Remnants of war

The report states that between October and December 2023, at least 11 individuals lost their lives and 51 others were injured due to unexploded weapons. Out of the total 62 victims, 49 were minors – 41 boys and eight girls.
