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More than 114 million people have been forced to leave their homes due to war and violence across the globe.
Africa World News

More than 114 million people have been forced to leave their homes due to war and violence across the globe.

The recent total has been significantly influenced by the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, as well as tensions in Sudan, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and Myanmar. Additionally, factors such as drought, floods, and instability in Somalia, along with the enduring humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan, have also contributed to this concerning number.

The UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Filippo Grandi, expressed worry over the increasing number of conflicts worldwide that are causing harm to innocent individuals and displacing them from their homes.

International failures

“The failure of the global community to resolve conflicts or prevent new ones is causing displacement and suffering. We must focus on internal solutions and collaborate to put an end to conflicts, allowing refugees and other displaced individuals to go back to their homes or start anew,” he implored.

In June, the global count of people who have been forcibly removed from their homes reached 110 million, representing a growth of 1.6 million since the end of 2022.

Additionally, it is estimated that an extra four million people were forcibly displaced between June and the end of September, resulting in a total of 114 million.

The report by UNHCR does not cover the effects of the Israel-Palestine conflict that began on October 7, as it was not within the report’s focus.

The report also stated that countries with low and middle incomes were responsible for accommodating the majority of individuals who require international protection.

“We must not surrender.”

Despite facing numerous challenges, High Commissioner Grandi remained determined.

“We may feel that the possibility of peace and resolutions for refugees and displaced populations is far off as we witness events in Gaza, Sudan, and other places. However, we must not lose hope. Together with our partners, we will continue to advocate for and discover solutions for refugees.”

Global Refugee Forum

The publication of this report aligns with the upcoming second Global Refugee Forum, which will take place from December 13th to 15th in Geneva.

The biggest platform of its kind, dedicated to refugees and those who have been forcefully displaced, unites governments, refugees, local authorities, international organizations, civil society, and the private sector.
