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Iran has been called upon to cease its recent restrictions on human rights, specifically in response to the death of a teenage girl.
Middle East World News

Iran has been called upon to cease its recent restrictions on human rights, specifically in response to the death of a teenage girl.

A statement was released expressing surprise at the passing of Armita Geravand, the adolescent who collapsed in Tehran’s subway in Iran after reportedly being involved in an argument over not wearing a head covering or hijab.

According to global sources, Ms. Geravand passed away on Saturday. Experts have requested an unbiased and speedy inquiry into her death, as the Government claims she sustained brain injury from her fall.

They stated that women and girls should not face consequences or danger for their clothing choices.

Mahsa Amini has similarities with other parallel events

Mahsa Amini shares commonalities with other parallel occurrences.

Their message restated worries that were previously voiced to officials in Tehran regarding the enforcement of a specific dress code for females and the use of extreme and illegal measures against those who do not obey.

In late July, Iran’s “morality police” were redeployed following the implementation of the Chastity and Hijab Law. Concerns have been raised by UN experts about the law’s compatibility with gender equality and other basic freedoms.

The professionals expressed disappointment at the similarities between the situation that led to the death of Jina Mahsa Amini and more recent deaths.

In September 2022, Ms. Amini, aged 22, was detained in Tehran for reportedly not following the strict hijab law. She passed away while in custody.

Failure to investigate

The specialists also conveyed serious worry and frustration regarding the government’s failure to carry out impartial investigations into the fatalities of females during the countrywide demonstrations triggered by her passing.

They acknowledged that other women, including famous individuals, have faced consequences for not following the required dress code.

“Prior to the implementation of this law, there were numerous instances of women being penalized for not adhering to the dress code. Some have even been fired from their jobs or given jail sentences, while others have been forced into labor.”

Abolish dress codes

The specialists advised the Iranian government to revise their Constitution and eliminate laws that discriminate based on gender. This includes regulations that require specific dress codes and any rules that give State authorities the power to monitor or control women’s behavior or attire in public or private settings.

They expressed continued worry and fear about the current policies and actions in Iran that allow for complete impunity for acts of gender-based persecution against women and girls. They urge the government to stop these practices.

About UN experts

The individuals who released the statement were Javaid Rehman, a Special Rapporteur focused on the human rights situation in Iran; Morris Tidball-Binz, a Special Rapporteur specializing in extrajudicial, summary, or arbitrary executions; Reem Alsalem, a Special Rapporteur focused on violence against women and girls; and the members of the Working Group on discrimination against women and girls.

The individuals are appointed by the UN Human Rights Council and are not affiliated with the UN or compensated for their duties.

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