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In short global updates: Flooding in Somalia, Update on Cholera in Sudan, and Efforts to Prevent Genocide.
Africa World News

In short global updates: Flooding in Somalia, Update on Cholera in Sudan, and Efforts to Prevent Genocide.

The east African nation has been impacted by heavy rainfall, leading to an increase in water levels that have affected over 2.4 million people. The UN aid teams are growing worried about the potential spread of water-related illnesses, according to the aid coordination office, OCHA.

Possible rewording: There have been reports of suspected cholera cases, and relief workers have emphasized the danger it poses to communities with inadequate healthcare resources.

The United Nations, along with humanitarian organizations, local authorities, and community members, have provided aid to a minimum of 820,000 individuals in need. This assistance included sending out at least 37 boats to deliver supplies and help evacuate those who were trapped.

As of now, the 2023 Humanitarian Response Plan for Somalia has only received 42% of the required $2.6 billion in funding to assist 7.6 million of the country’s most vulnerable individuals.

Women wade through flood waters in Jowhar City, Somalia.

© WFP/Arete/Abdirahman Yussuf

Females navigate through the inundated streets of Jowhar City, Somalia.

There has been a significant increase in the number of reported cholera cases throughout Sudan.

On Monday, while briefing journalists in New York, the UN Spokesperson reported that there is an increase in efforts from humanitarians and collaborators to address the cholera outbreak in Sudan, which is currently facing conflict.

According to Stéphane Dujarric, the initiative involved identifying and caring for cases, as well as addressing concerns regarding water, sanitation, and hygiene.

According to OCHA, the spread of the outbreak is getting worse, as there has been a 70% increase in reported cases in the last three weeks.

As of now, approximately 2.2 million individuals in the most affected states have received oral cholera vaccinations.

According to the World Health Organization and Sudan’s health ministry, as of today, there have been approximately 5,200 reported cases of cholera and over 160 fatalities. Mr. Dujarric also stated that a total of nine states have recorded cases since September 26th.

The ongoing conflict between the national army and rival militia group, the RSF, has caused a significant decline in healthcare services. Currently, two thirds of the population does not have access to healthcare and more than 70% of health facilities in conflict zones are not operational.

The Spokesman concluded that WHO has confirmed 60 instances of healthcare facilities being attacked since April, which serves as a reminder that this action goes against International Humanitarian Law.


Turkmenistan emphasizes the continued importance of preventing genocide in the defense of human rights.

th anniversary of the UN

“Volker Türk, the UN human rights chief, stressed the urgency of taking action in response to early warning signs of genocide during a meeting held on Monday to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the UN.”th
Celebration of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of Criminal Offenses.

The document was referred to as a “serious and pressing document” and was approved just before the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in December 1948, making it the first treaty on human rights in the history of the UN.

The High Commissioner stated that the atrocities of the Holocaust and other similar events, such as those in Cambodia, Rwanda, and the former Yugoslavia, highlight the necessity of preventing genocide and holding those responsible accountable in order to promote human rights. These lessons ultimately led to the creation of the Convention.

He emphasized that the prevention of genocide is a fundamental principle that applies to all people, not just a legal requirement for countries.

The Convention urges all States and individuals to remain watchful and requires action to stop and penalize genocide.

The individual stated that genocide is never a sudden occurrence. It is typically the result of patterns of discrimination that can be identified beforehand, based on factors such as race, ethnicity, religion, or other characteristics. It is also often accompanied by severe violations of human rights, deliberately aimed at a particular group, minority, or community.

The act of genocide is frequently fueled by the dehumanization and demonization of certain groups in the public arena. In today’s world, the spread of false information on social media can exacerbate these statements, ultimately normalizing and justifying acts of violence.

He emphasized the urgent need to prevent genocidal actions in the digital realm by improving online governance.

Furthermore, there needs to be responsibility, as it not only brings justice to those affected, but it is also crucial in putting an end to genocide. The lack of consequences allows for genocide to occur, while accountability acts as its adversary.

Mr. Türk encouraged all countries that have not yet approved or joined the Genocide Convention to do so as a top priority, in order to safeguard our shared humanity.
