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Five UN agencies urge for increased efforts to support Gaza
Middle East World News

Five UN agencies urge for increased efforts to support Gaza

“The situation in Gaza was already dire in terms of humanitarian needs before the recent hostilities, but it has now reached catastrophic levels. The international community needs to take further action,” they stated.

The UN Development Programme (UNDP), UN Population Fund (UNFPA), UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF), World Food Programme (WFP), and World Health Organization (WHO) jointly released the statement.

‘Far from enough’

A humanitarian convoy arrived in Gaza on Saturday morning through the Rafah border crossing with Egypt – the first one since the start of recent conflicts two weeks ago.

Twenty trucks transported essential supplies from the UN and the Egyptian Red Crescent, such as tuna and tomato paste cans, pasta, bottled water, and medical provisions. Additionally, hundreds of other trucks are currently stationed at the border.

The initial shipment, while restricted, will offer crucial support to a large number of civilians, primarily women and children, who have been deprived of vital resources such as water, food, medicine, and fuel. However, it is only a small step and falls short of meeting the overall need.

There is limited time remaining.

Their statement emphasized the urgent requirements following the outbreak of the Israel-Gaza conflict on 7 October, initiated by Hamas militants who carried out fatal assaults in Israel, resulting in numerous casualties and the capture of over 100 individuals.

Israel retaliated with aerial attacks and shelling, imposing a full blockade on Gaza, and instructing civilians to vacate the northern portion of the territory.

Over 1.6 million individuals residing in Gaza require urgent humanitarian assistance. Approximately half of the population consists of children and they are considered one of the most at-risk groups, alongside pregnant women and elderly individuals.

Additionally, ongoing bombings over the past two weeks have resulted in significant damage or destruction to civilian infrastructure in Gaza, including shelters, health facilities, water and sanitation systems, and electrical systems.

The organizations cautioned that there is limited time before the number of deaths could greatly increase due to disease outbreaks and insufficient healthcare resources.

Disturbingly high rate of child mortality

The hospitals in Gaza are dealing with a large number of injured patients and individuals are struggling to obtain necessary food supplies. Additionally, the health facilities are currently operating with limited fuel and are expected to run out in the near future. On top of that, the production of water is only at five percent of its usual capacity.

“The stock of humanitarian aid that was previously positioned has been used up. The most at-risk individuals, including children, are experiencing a troubling number of deaths and are being denied access to essential protection, nourishment, clean water, and medical services,” they reported.

Before the conflict, about 33% of the people in Palestine struggled with food insecurity. Currently, stores are experiencing shortages and bakeries are shutting down. Additionally, tens of thousands of individuals have been forced to leave their homes and are unable to prepare or buy food safely.

, and reduce the spread of

Protect people’s lives, alleviate their pain, and decrease the transmission of illnesses.

The United Nations organizations have urged for a ceasefire to address the urgent and unrestricted humanitarian needs in Gaza. They are requesting access for aid workers to reach civilians in distress, in order to save lives and alleviate suffering.

The statement emphasized the need for large and continuous amounts of humanitarian aid to be provided, ensuring that all individuals in Gaza can maintain their sense of self-worth.

They requested for secure and continuous availability of water, food, healthcare (including sexual and reproductive healthcare), and fuel. They also called for the safeguarding of civilians and civilian structures, such as healthcare facilities.

“We urge for the safeguarding of individuals working in humanitarian efforts in Gaza, who are bravely putting themselves at risk for the sake of others,” they stated. “We also demand that all parties uphold the highest level of compliance with international humanitarian law.”
