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A scarcity of fuel may impede trucks from delivering aid to Gaza.
Middle East World News

A scarcity of fuel may impede trucks from delivering aid to Gaza.

Andrea De Domenico, the leader of OCHA’s office in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, stated that the current situation is critical as many lives, including newborns in incubators at hospitals, are at risk due to the lack of electricity caused by fuel shortages. This was shared with reporters in New York on Monday.

He expressed that a ceasefire for humanitarian purposes and the delivery of fuel are both necessary and urgent. He warned that if action is not taken soon, a catastrophic event could occur. He made these remarks while in Jerusalem.

are the three D’s that have defined the impact of war on civilians.

The consequences of war on civilians can be summarized as the three D’s: death, displacement, and devastation.

The UN is still working on resolving the urgent humanitarian crisis in Gaza, which was triggered by Hamas militants’ violent attacks on Israel six weeks ago. During the attacks, around 240 people – including infants and elderly individuals – were taken as hostages.

Israel has reacted to the invasion and killing of 1,200 civilians by carrying out ongoing attacks, cutting off power and communication, and limiting entry to the area. This region is where 2.2 million individuals reside, with approximately 1.5 million being displaced, mainly towards the south.

Numerous individuals have lost their lives, including 101 employees of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA). On Monday, personnel from the entire United Nations organization paused for a moment of silence to honor and remember them.

Aim, fire, and remaining in position for snipers.

According to Mr. De Domenico, there was increased conflict in the Gaza Strip over the weekend, specifically near Al-Shifa Hospital. As a result, important structures like water tanks, oxygen stations, the cardiovascular facility, and the maternity ward were damaged. It has been reported that three nurses lost their lives.

On Sunday, the Palestinian Red Crescent Society announced that the main generator line at Al Quds Hospital in Gaza City, the second largest in the area, was damaged and unable to be repaired, rendering the hospital inoperable.

According to PRCS, they currently have enough fuel for only 24 hours. However, the chances of obtaining more fuel are extremely low and risky due to the presence of snipers in and around the hospital.

Attempts were being made to remove seven critically ill patients and four newborns in incubators, according to his statement. Although a few employees and patients have successfully escaped the hospital, others are still stuck inside due to either their hesitation to leave or medical limitations.

An 8-year-old boy from Rafah City, sits amongst the rubble of his family's destroyed home.

UNICEF/Eyad El Baba

This image is from UNICEF, taken by Eyad El Baba.
This photo is credited to UNICEF and was captured by Eyad El Baba.

A young boy, 8 years old, from Rafah City, sits surrounded by the debris of his family’s demolished house.

Fleeing northern Gaza 

Mr. De Domenico emphasized the urgent requirement for fuel and medical resources in Gaza, highlighting the unfortunate deaths of certain patients and the growing challenges in obtaining water and sustenance.

OCHA groups have witnessed approximately 10,000 individuals from northern Gaza migrating south in response to evacuation directives from Israel. These people are mostly traveling on foot and are arriving dehydrated, fatigued, and uncertain of their future accommodations due to overcrowded shelters.

76 trucks transported humanitarian aid to Gaza on Sunday via the Rafah crossing with Egypt. This has been an ongoing arrangement since October 21. The trucks carried essential items such as health supplies, bottled water, blankets, tents, and hygiene products. So far, a total of 980 trucks have made this journey, but it is still not enough to meet the necessary level of aid.

There is a lack of fuel, communication, and assistance.

“In fact, rather than receiving the much-needed increase in assistance, our colleagues at UNRWA have notified us that the operations of receiving trucks will no longer be possible starting tomorrow due to a shortage of fuel,” he stated.

“The conditions for operations are worsening every hour,” he stated. “We lack fuel, communication, and the assurance of being able to inform the UN premises or any other premises, which significantly limits our ability to carry out our tasks.”

Humanitarian ceasefire critical 

UN agencies continue to amplify the Secretary-General’s call for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire in Gaza, the unconditional release of all hostages, and sustained and continued aid access to people in need, wherever they are located.

Walaa, 35, is nine months pregnant. Her home collapsed due to a nearby bombing while she was sitting against the very wall that fell. She sustained a fracture in her right hand and her skull during the incident.

© UNFPA/Bisan Ouda

Walaa, who is 35 years old, is in her ninth month of pregnancy. She was sitting against a wall in her home when it collapsed due to a bombing in the area. As a result, she suffered a fracture in her right hand and her skull.

On Monday, humanitarian workers emphasized their request for $1.2 billion to support 2.2 million individuals in Gaza and an additional 500,000 in the West Bank until the end of the year.

A grim toll 

According to Lynn Hastings, the UN Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator, the current state in Gaza is unprecedented and unlike anything they have encountered in any other location globally.

According to authorities, she reported that there have been at least 10,000 Palestinian fatalities, along with approximately 1,200 Israeli casualties. This death toll is equivalent to the number of deaths in 18 months in Ukraine and 6 months in Sudan.

Additionally, approximately 55% of the current water supply infrastructure is in need of repair or rehabilitation. As a result, individuals have turned to using unsanitary water sources, which is anticipated to result in a worsening public health situation.

She also highlighted the destruction experienced by the humanitarian workers in Gaza, who heavily rely on local staff.

Ms. Hastings is reminding those involved in humanitarian efforts to be aware of the increasing number of deaths in the West Bank. 100 Palestinians and three Israelis have lost their lives since the beginning of the Gaza conflict on October 7th.
