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The United Kingdom has launched the inaugural AI Safety Summit, making it the first of its kind in the world.

The United Kingdom has launched the inaugural AI Safety Summit, making it the first of its kind in the world.

The inaugural international conference on ensuring the safety of artificial intelligence (AI) begins in the United Kingdom on Wednesday, where government and industry leaders will explore potential solutions to the impact of this transformative technology.

The British Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak, along with the U.S. Vice President, Kamala Harris, the EU chief, Ursula von der Leyen, and the U.N. Secretary-General, Antonio Guterres, will be present at the two-day conference. The main focus of the conference will be on the increasing concerns surrounding the consequences of “frontier AI.”

The debut of the most recent versions has provided a preview of the capabilities of artificial intelligence, yet it has also raised worries about various issues such as employment displacement, cyber threats, and the level of control wielded by humans over these systems.

Sunak, who led the effort, stated in a recent speech that his main objective is to strive for a global approach to safety by working with allies to guarantee the safety of AI systems prior to their launch.

“We are determined to reach an agreement on the first global declaration regarding the nature of these dangers,” he stated, likening it to the approach used for addressing climate change.

However, according to reports, London has had to lower its expectations for initiatives such as establishing a new regulatory organization due to a perceived lack of interest.

Giorgia Meloni, the Prime Minister of Italy, is among the few global leaders and the sole representative from the G7 participating in the conference.

Elon Musk is scheduled to attend, but it is uncertain if he will be physically present at the Bletchley Park summit in Northern London. This location is where skilled British codebreakers successfully deciphered Nazi Germany’s “Enigma” code.

‘Talking shop’

Although AI holds great promise, especially in the field of medicine, its advancement is perceived as largely unregulated.

During his speech, Sunak emphasized the importance of nations coming together to establish a mutual comprehension of the challenges we are up against.

However, according to attorney and investigator Cori Crider, who advocates for equitable technology, the summit may just be a forum for discussion.

During a press conference in San Francisco, she stated that in order for Rishi Sunak to truly prioritize safety, he should have included all of the major players and regulatory bodies in the UK, but he did not.

She inquired about the location of the labor regulator’s investigation into the safety and necessity of jobs. She also asked about the whereabouts of the data protection regulator.

After receiving backlash for solely focusing on the potential dangers of AI, the United Kingdom announced on Wednesday that they will allocate $46 million towards supporting AI initiatives globally, with a focus on Africa.

Before the meeting, the G7 nations reached a consensus on Monday regarding a “code of conduct” for corporations creating cutting-edge AI technologies.

The White House has declared its own strategy to establish safety regulations for implementing AI, which will mandate companies to present specific systems for government evaluation.

Ministers from Italy, Germany, and France convened in Rome and advocated for a regulation strategy that supports innovation in the use of AI in Europe. They also emphasized the need for increased investment to compete with the U.S. and China.

China will have a presence, but the extent of their involvement is uncertain.

According to the news source Politico, London extended an invitation to President Xi Jinping as a symbol of their enthusiasm for a high-ranking representative.

The invitation from Beijing has caused concern due to increased tensions with Western countries and claims of spying through technology.
