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Skyscraper-Sized Asteroid to Fly by Earth
Science & Health

Skyscraper-Sized Asteroid to Fly by Earth

The flying object spotted near Earth on Friday is not a bird or a plane, but rather an asteroid that measures the same width as the Empire State Building’s height.

In 2008, this celestial body was named OS7 and was found to be approximately 210-480 meters in size, according to NASA’s Center for Near Earth Object Studies.

This object has been categorized as both a “Near Earth Object” (NEO) and a “Potentially Hazardous Asteroid” (PHA) due to its size and close proximity to Earth. NEOs refer to objects that are within 48 million kilometers of Earth, and there are currently 31,000 known solar system objects that fall into this category. PHAs typically come within 7.4 million kilometers of Earth during their orbit.

According to Minjae Kim, a research fellow at the University of Warwick, there are over millions of asteroids in our Solar System and about 2,350 of them have been identified as PHAs. However, we do not need to be overly concerned as this particular asteroid will not actually enter Earth’s atmosphere, although it will come relatively close to our planet.

If you’re interested in catching a glimpse, the asteroid will be challenging to see. According to Newsweek, it will come within 2.7 million kilometers of Earth on Friday afternoon, traveling at a speed of approximately 18.2 kilometers per second. This is over seven times the distance of the moon and about 40 times faster than a fighter jet.

The asteroid will next approach Earth in 2032, but it will be at a distance of approximately 72 million kilometers.

This week, 2008 OS7 is just one of several asteroids that will come close to Earth. However, on Friday and Saturday, there will be multiple other asteroids passing by without causing any issues. These rocky bodies will only be tens of meters wide.

The Associated Press provided information for this report.
