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A large group of individuals are calling for action to be taken on the issue of plastic usage in Kenya.
Africa Science & Health

A large group of individuals are calling for action to be taken on the issue of plastic usage in Kenya.

On Saturday, in Nairobi, Kenya, a large group of environmental activists participated in a march to call for significant restrictions on the production of plastic. This event took place prior to a meeting to discuss an international agreement on plastic use.

Over 170 countries’ representatives will convene in Nairobi on Monday to discuss the specific actions that should be incorporated in a legally binding global agreement to combat plastic pollution.

Participants carried signs that said, “Plastic problem = climate problem” and “Stop toxic exposure for future generations.”

As they made their way from central Nairobi to a park in the western part of the capital, they sang the phrase “let polluters pay the price” while following a ceremonial band at a slow pace.

In 2020, countries came to an agreement to complete a groundbreaking United Nations treaty by 2024. This treaty aims to tackle the widespread issue of plastic pollution, which can be found in various locations such as mountains, oceans, and even in the human body through blood and breast milk.

The negotiators have already had two meetings, but Nairobi will be the first chance to discuss a draft treaty released in September that suggests various solutions for addressing the issue of plastic.

The meeting from November 13-19 marks the third out of five sessions in a speedy process with the goal of finalizing negotiations by next year, in order to adopt the treaty by mid-2025.

During the recent discussions in Paris, activists accused major countries involved in plastic production of intentionally delaying progress by spending two days on procedural matters.

This time, the duration of the sessions has been prolonged by 48 hours. However, there are worries that a less effective agreement may result if too much time is spent going around in circles during in-depth discussions.

The production of plastic worldwide has increased by over two times since the beginning of the 21st century, reaching a total of 460 million tons. If no action is taken, this number could triple by the year 2060. Currently, only nine percent of plastic is being recycled.

Tiny plastic particles have been discovered in a variety of places, ranging from the sky to the bottom of the ocean, and even within our bodies.

Scientists are increasingly concerned about the impact of plastics on human health, although the exact effects are not yet fully comprehended.

In 2019, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development found that plastic is responsible for 3.4% of global emissions, thus contributing to global warming.
