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The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees is concerned that the conflict in Ukraine is not receiving enough attention.
Europe Ukraine

The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees is concerned that the conflict in Ukraine is not receiving enough attention.

The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees expressed concern on Wednesday that the ongoing conflict in Ukraine has been overlooked as the country approaches the two-year anniversary of Russia’s major invasion.

During an interview, the head of UNHCR, Filippo Grandi, also stated to The Associated Press that it was crucial to emphasize to the world that Ukrainians were experiencing a violent war, despite other major global issues receiving more attention.

During a visit to Ukraine that lasted a week, Grandi expressed concern over the ongoing impact of Moscow’s invasion on civilians. The destruction of homes, damage to health centers, and non-operational facilities continue to have devastating effects.

Grandi stated that the major contrast between last year and this year is the fact that the current situation is no longer considered newsworthy on a global scale. He noted a growing tendency to become desensitized to the suffering of Ukrainians.

War displaces 10 million

The most recent update from UNHCR estimates that 10 million individuals have been forced to leave their homes due to the ongoing war. Of this number, 3.7 million are internally displaced and 6.3 million are classified as refugees.

The organization has requested $4.2 billion in aid for Ukraine this year, which is slightly lower than the amount allocated last year.

Grandi explained the reasoning behind our decision, citing the numerous global crises as a significant factor. As a result, we directed our attention towards addressing the most pressing needs.

An official states that politics is causing a delay in providing aid.

The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees expressed worry that debate surrounding providing humanitarian assistance to Ukraine has been delayed due to political disputes. He urged the United States and European Union to approve their aid packages, emphasizing that it is important to remember that humanitarian aid should not be used as a pawn in political games.

In December, the leaders of the EU were unable to reach a consensus on a financial aid package worth $52 billion for Ukraine over the next four years. The agreement was blocked by Hungary, as it requires all 27 EU member countries to unanimously agree. However, the bloc is currently seeking alternative solutions for the remaining 26 countries to provide the necessary funds before the EU summit on February 1st.

Senators in Washington are currently working towards a cooperative agreement to provide Ukraine with approximately $61 billion in aid and implement modifications to U.S. border policy. However, some Republicans are advocating to reduce the amount of aid specifically allocated for Ukraine, suggesting that European countries could take on the responsibility of funding support for Ukraine’s civil sector.

“I am greatly optimistic that the conversations can be resolved and reach a favorable outcome in both the EU and the United States,” stated Grandi. “If those shipments remain blocked, I am deeply concerned that the crucial humanitarian aid will not arrive, resulting in immediate consequences.”
