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The latest update reveals that construction is moving forward at the Russian facility where Iranian drones are being built.
Europe Ukraine

The latest update reveals that construction is moving forward at the Russian facility where Iranian drones are being built.

On Monday, a research organization reported that satellite images reveal the development of a factory in Russia that will manufacture kamikaze drones based on Iranian designs. These drones are expected to be used by Moscow to attack energy facilities in Ukraine.

According to the report from the Institute for Science and International Security, no sanctions have been implemented by the United States or its allies against JSC Alabuga, the owner of the plant, or its affiliated companies, despite progress being made.

The White House, the Russian embassy, and Iran’s U.N. mission have not yet responded to requests for comment.

According to the report, a satellite image from mid-September revealed that recent development at the facility was in direct alignment with a leaked floor plan of the building that was previously shared by the Washington Post with the institute.

As per additional leaked records, the facility will be utilized for the large-scale manufacturing of Iran’s Shahed-136. This includes enhancing the country’s fabrication methods and ultimately enhancing the capabilities of the drone, according to the report.

According to the report, the satellite imagery revealed the building of additional structures and the establishment of increased security boundaries with inspection points.

The report stated that with winter approaching quickly, it is likely that Russia will increase its Shahed-136 attacks on Ukraine’s vital energy facilities, resulting in harsh living conditions for civilians.

The report emphasized the need for Washington to impose sanctions on Alabuga and its affiliated businesses as a crucial, overdue action.

On Sunday, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy cautioned his nation to be ready for potential Russian assaults on their energy infrastructure. During their invasion last winter, Russia launched multiple attacks of this nature, resulting in widespread power outages.

According to the report, the factory is situated in the Tartarstan Republic, approximately 800 km (500 miles) east of Moscow. The federal government holds a 66% ownership in Alabuga JSC, while the remaining 34% is owned by the republic.

The White House reported in June that Russia and Iran were strengthening their defense collaboration and, along with providing drones, Iran was partnering with Moscow to manufacture Iranian drones in Alabuga.
