The cooperation of China is crucial in resolving the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, according to the French Foreign Minister.

On Friday, French Foreign Minister Catherine Colonna emphasized the importance of China’s collaboration in resolving the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, which has caused division within China and many European countries.
She urged China to persist in developing their peace plan for Ukraine, but also stressed the importance of preventing Chinese involvement in what she referred to as “the ongoing aggressive conflict in Ukraine” – a statement that may be disputed by the Chinese.
She emphasized the importance of France’s partnership with China in promoting a fair and permanent peace. After discussions with Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi, she stated, “We rely on the Chinese government to be watchful and ensure that no entity in China, especially private ones, directly or indirectly supports Russia’s unlawful involvement in the war in Ukraine.”
The meetings in Beijing highlighted a mutual attempt to maintain communication despite increasing disagreements, whether regarding the conflict in Ukraine, the Israel-Hamas conflict, or Europe’s significant trade deficit with China. The discussions in some aspects hinted at an upcoming meeting between EU and Chinese leaders next month.
During a discussion with Chinese leader Li Qiang earlier today, Colonna expressed the importance of collaboration between their nations to tackle global concerns such as climate change and biodiversity. The upcoming United Nations climate conference in Dubai, United Arab Emirates will be a significant event in this endeavor.
“We, as major powers, have a joint responsibility to address global issues… and we can collaborate to ease tensions on a global scale,” she stated.
China has expressed disapproval towards the United States’ attempts to enlist the support of its allies, particularly in Europe, in their rivalry involving trade, technology, and security. China has claimed that the U.S. is creating alliances to restrain China’s progress and ascent.
Wang cautioned against turning issues into political matters and promoting protectionist policies. The European Union has adopted a stricter stance towards China, initiating a trade probe into the government subsidies provided to Chinese manufacturers of electric vehicles.
According to Wang, cooperation between China and Europe will prevent any conflicts, divisions, or the start of a new Cold War.
The Chinese government has chosen not to condemn Russia’s invasion or the Hamas attack that triggered their recent conflict with Israel, differing from the views of many in Europe and the US. They have accused the West of prolonging the conflict in Europe by providing weapons to Ukraine and have urged for an end to the fighting in both wars.
Colonna suggested that engaging in conversation with China regarding the situation in Gaza and potentially working together could be beneficial. She urged for the release of all hostages, including eight individuals who hold dual French and Israeli citizenship, three of whom are minors.
She stated that each state has the authority to protect itself, but it is essential to work together in order to prevent terrorism and ensure that similar incidents do not occur in the future.
Shortly after a group of foreign ministers from predominantly Muslim countries and regions visited China and France, a trip was made by her as part of a series of meetings with permanent members of the U.N. Security Council to advocate for a cease-fire in Gaza.
A ceasefire lasting four days was initiated on Friday in the midst of the ongoing conflict.
China has been making efforts to mend its relationships with key trading partners such as Europe, the United States, and Australia, despite their contrasting perspectives. The removal of China’s pandemic restrictions in December has facilitated the resumption of face-to-face meetings.
In April, French President Emmanuel Macron traveled to China, and in July, Finance Minister Bruno Le Maire also made a trip to the country.
Premier Li, the second-in-command of China, stated that the relationship between China and France is continuously improving in all areas. He highlighted that exchanges at all levels have become more frequent due to the restoration of various mechanisms.
Wang attempted to provide reassurance to European companies that China remains a favorable and secure location for conducting business. Recent regulations have introduced uncertainty into the business climate and caused foreign investors to be cautious, which is happening at a time when China is actively seeking investment to stimulate its slow economy.
He stated that we will pay attention to the opinions of the European business society and make sincere efforts to address the concerns of investors in China.