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Large-scale Russian Air Attacks Target Ukraine
Europe Ukraine

Large-scale Russian Air Attacks Target Ukraine

According to Ukraine’s air force, Russia initiated a series of missile attacks on Ukraine on Saturday morning. The air force also reported successfully intercepting and taking down a small number of these missiles.

According to a statement on social media by Ukraine’s air force, Russia deployed 37 missiles and three drones. The majority of these missiles were classified as ballistic, making them more difficult to intercept.

The statement mentioned that over 20 of the weapons listed were not counted as being downed because they were unsuccessful in hitting their targets due to countermeasures from electronic warfare.

Earlier this week, the spokesperson for the air force reported that Ukraine is facing a shortage of air defense missiles. However, it is uncertain to what extent this has affected the low hit rate.

Ukrainian officials from several provinces have reported that Russian missiles were successfully intercepted by Ukraine’s air defense systems in at least five regions of the country.

The Russian defense ministry stated that their objective was to attack factories that produce shells, gunpowder, and unmanned aerial vehicles.

According to the statement, all specified locations were struck, but Ukraine did not disclose any information about the targets.

French official visits

On Saturday, French Foreign Minister Stephane Sejourne made a visit to Kyiv soon after Russia’s assault. He affirmed France’s commitment to standing with Ukraine in their defensive battle against Russia and expressed support for the collaboration of defense manufacturing between the two nations.

This was Sejourne’s initial formal trip since assuming his new position earlier this week.

During a press conference in Ukraine’s capital, Sejourne expressed Russia’s belief that Ukraine and its allies will tire out before them. He also stated that Russia will not decrease in strength.

On Friday, British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak visited Kyiv and announced a new military funding of almost $3.2 billion for Ukraine. This is the largest yearly commitment made by Britain since Russia’s invasion of the country.

Sunak stated that he was delivering a message to Ukraine on behalf of his country and its global allies, assuring them that they will always have support. He emphasized that the conflict in Ukraine centers around the country’s fundamental right to protect itself and uphold its sovereignty as a democratic nation.

Britain's Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, left, hugs Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy after signing documents in Kyiv, Ukraine, Jan. 12, 2024.

On January 12, 2024, in Kyiv, Ukraine, British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy embraced after finalizing paperwork.

Sunak warned that if Putin is successful in Ukraine, he will not be satisfied and will continue to pursue his agenda. He also cautioned that any hesitation in standing with Ukraine will only strengthen Putin’s position and encourage his allies in countries like North Korea and Iran.

On Sunday, national security advisers will gather in the Swiss town of Davos for further discussions on Ukraine’s peace proposal. The meeting, which takes place before the World Economic Forum’s annual meeting, does not include Russia and will be held behind closed doors.

The Ukrainian President, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, will present his 10-point peace plan at the convention.

“We are already preparing for the forum in Davos, presenting our position and joint opportunities for everyone in the world who strives to leave a world of stability and freedom for their children. Our values, not the madness of any dictator,” he said in his video address Saturday.

On Friday, Zelenskyy also had a meeting with Penny Pritzker, the designated representative from the United States for Ukraine’s economic revival.

Zelenskyy expressed his anticipation for Congress’ decision on providing additional support to Ukraine. He emphasized that this support is crucial not just for Ukraine, but also for the stability of other nations that rely on the enforcement of international law.

Certain members of the United States Congress are hesitating to maintain their support for Ukraine.

The sources for this report include The Associated Press, Agence France-Presse, and Reuters.
