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According to a survey, 40% of employers choose not to hire workers from Generation Z.

According to a survey, 40% of employers choose not to hire workers from Generation Z.

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A survey conducted in December 2023 of 800 directors and executives responsible for hiring revealed that nearly 40% of managers choose not to hire recent college graduates due to their perceived lack of readiness for the workforce.

According to a survey, 20% of employers have had a job candidate bring a parent to the interview. 21% of employers also reported that a candidate refused to turn on their camera during a virtual interview. Other common complaints from employers include candidates having difficulty maintaining eye contact, wearing inappropriate attire, and using inappropriate language during the interview.

The findings of the survey were not unexpected for Michael Connors, a recruiter in Washington who helps new college graduates prepare for job interviews.

He states that there appears to be a lack of dedication. Are they truly interested in this position, or are they just going through the motions?

Connors has never experienced a candidate declining to activate their camera. However, he has encountered students appearing for a prearranged virtual interview in unprofessional settings, such as outside a shopping center.

One in 5 employers have had a recent college graduate bring a parent to a job interview, according to a survey from

According to a survey conducted by, 20% of employers have experienced a situation where a recent college graduate brought their parent to a job interview.

Both Connors and Diane Gayeski, a professor of strategic communications at Ithaca College in New York, concur that the COVID-19 pandemic had an effect on the development and maturity of recent college graduates.

“Their final year of high school was greatly affected by disruption. They were unable to experience traditional events such as graduation, prom, and parties,” stated Gayeski. “Many were also unable to work during the summer before starting college. And even after enrolling, opportunities like guest speakers, internships, and study abroad programs were limited for them.”

According to her, the outcome is that students have decreased self-assurance when it comes to participating in the workforce.

According to her, the college’s preparation for students’ careers includes experiences beyond the classroom, such as interacting with diverse individuals, completing community projects, and participating in internships. However, these opportunities were previously unavailable.

According to a survey, 38% of employers prefer to hire older workers over recent college graduates. Additionally, they are willing to offer higher salaries and benefits, such as increased telecommuting options, to these older workers.

About 50% of employers have terminated a recent college graduate from their job. The majority (63%) of employers report that the recent college graduates they have hired struggle with managing their workload. Additionally, 61% of employers state that these graduates are consistently tardy to work, while 59% say they frequently miss deadlines and 53% mention that they often show up late to meetings.

According to Connors, increasing time in the office could improve their ability to handle their workload. He believes that working from home may hinder young employees from advancing in their careers and they would benefit from mentorship.

Twenty-one percent of employers surveyed by say they've had a job candidate refuse to turn on their camera during a virtual interview.

According to’s survey, 21% of employers reported having a job applicant decline to activate their camera during a virtual interview.

Gayeski notes an uptick in mental health concerns among university students, prompting professors to adjust their expectations by being more lenient with attendance and deadlines for assignments.

Gayeski notes that employers have noticed a significant increase in anxiety and openness about mental health struggles among employees.

Some employers view this behavior as weak or attempting to avoid responsibility. However, I have noticed a significant change in this attitude. It is now seen as a point of pride to acknowledge mental weaknesses and prioritize self-care, as it is what students have been taught to do. According to Gayeski.

Despite the pandemic exacerbating Gen Z’s lack of preparedness for the workforce, Connors notes that it has been a growing trend for a number of years now.

The speaker believes that many recent graduates struggle to enter the workforce due to being overly nurtured, while the reality is often harsh and unforgiving. It is important for individuals to understand this sooner rather than later, as it can benefit their long-term career success.

Connors notes that some young individuals he collaborates with display a sense of entitlement when it comes to maintaining a work-life balance, indicating a concern for their career.

According to Connors, this current generation places a higher importance on their hobbies and the ability to be flexible with them. They are less focused on money or advancing in their careers in terms of their current and long-term goals. It seems like everyone is just living in the present moment.

According to a recent survey, 50% of employers reported that recent college graduates they interviewed requested excessive compensation. Gayeski suggests this could be due to the younger generation being more knowledgeable than their predecessors.

She says that in college, they have heard a great deal about how corporations take advantage of their employees. They are now examining the salaries of these billionaire owners and feel that they should also be treated fairly.
