According to the International Commission of Human Rights Experts on Ethiopia, it is crucial for impartial investigators to continue examining the severe human rights crisis in the country.
Mohamed Chande Othman, the Commission’s Chairperson, expressed serious concerns regarding the situation in Ethiopia and the possibility of further atrocities.
Risk factors remain
According to our findings, Ethiopia has a high number of risk factors that could lead to future atrocities, such as ongoing serious violations, widespread violence and instability, and a strong level of impunity that is deeply rooted.
The Commission issued a warning after another report was presented to the UN Human Rights Council in the previous month. This report determined that acts of war crimes and crimes against humanity have occurred in Ethiopia starting from November 3, 2020.
On that day, conflict erupted between the Government and the Tigrayan People’s Liberation Front in northern Ethiopia, leading to a widespread spread. A truce was reached in November 2022.
The commission states that their most recent thorough discoveries are derived from an evaluation of the potential sources of atrocity crimes, which are the gravest offenses against humanity. They emphasize that these crimes, such as genocide, war crimes, and crimes against humanity, are outlined in the UN Framework of Analysis for Atrocity Crimes.
The report by the Commission revealed that Ethiopia currently has all eight common risk factors.
According to independent expert Steven Ratner, the situation is at high risk of worsening and it is the responsibility of the global community to continue investigations in order to address human rights abuses and prevent further tragedies.
Atrocities against civilians
Although the Cessation of Hostilities Agreement has been signed, the Commission has concluded that there are ongoing serious violations in the Tigray region.
The presence of Eritrean forces in Ethiopia has been verified, along with ongoing reports of inhumane acts against civilians, including rape and other types of sexual violence.
The Commission has raised concerns about the worsening state of affairs in the Amhara region, including reports of unlawful killings and large-scale detentions. The root causes of violence and discord have yet to be effectively dealt with.
Human rights violations
Commissioner Radhika Coomaraswamy stated that the Human Rights Council has a crucial responsibility in preventing human rights violations and addressing urgent human rights crises. She emphasized the need for continued attention to the situation in Ethiopia.
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