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The United Nations teams are providing aid and assistance in response to a devastating earthquake that struck western Nepal.
Asia Pacific World News

The United Nations teams are providing aid and assistance in response to a devastating earthquake that struck western Nepal.

A strong earthquake with a magnitude of 6.4 hit the isolated and countryside areas of Rukum (West) and Jajarkot right before midnight on Friday (local time) while residents were asleep in their primarily mud-brick houses. This resulted in many individuals being trapped under debris. Multiple aftershocks have been recorded since then.

The tremors were also experienced in the city of Kathmandu, located approximately 510 kilometers (315 miles) away. Residents rushed out of their houses, still haunted by the devastating earthquakes that occurred in April and May of 2015.

In 2015, the earthquakes resulted in the loss of almost 9,000 lives, the destruction or significant damage of more than 500,000 homes, and the complete destruction of towns, schools, hospitals, and historic sites that had stood for centuries.


The children who are most vulnerable to.

According to Alice Akunga, the UNICEF Representative to Nepal, children and their families are in the greatest danger as they have lost their homes, schools, and health facilities.

It is estimated that there are thousands of school-age children residing in the affected regions who will be affected by the situation.

The complete scope of the harm will reveal itself in the upcoming days and regrettably, the number of individuals impacted is expected to increase,” she stated. She also mentioned that UNICEF personnel are currently present at the location, evaluating the consequences and offering immediate aid such as blankets and tarpaulins.

“We are assessing the assistance needed during this critical time in the fields of healthcare, nutrition, education, water, sanitation and hygiene, child protection, and social protection,” Ms. Akunga stated.

Other United Nations organizations have also increased their efforts in addressing the situation. The World Health Organization (WHO) is organizing medical teams and the UN Satellite Centre (UNOSAT) has been put into action to conduct damage evaluation through analyzing satellite images.

UNICEF staff load relief supplies onto a truck headed for Jajarkot district.

The employees of UNICEF are loading necessary items onto a truck that will be delivered to the Jajarkot district.

Access cut off

The UN Office for Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) reports that accessing Jajarkot is currently hindered by landslides caused by the earthquake. Attempts are being made to clear the road.

The majority of the destruction has been recorded in Jajarkot and Rukum (West). The authorities have sent military helicopters for the purpose of searching and rescuing, and have also sent more medical staff to hospitals in the affected regions and areas.

Urgent requirements consist of providing medical aid, addressing trauma, freeing individuals stuck under debris, and relocating affected individuals to secure areas. The upcoming winter has emphasized the crucial necessity for warm attire and housing, healthcare, and nourishment.

Compounding vulnerabilities

This is the biggest tremor to strike Nepal since the 7.3 magnitude earthquake in 2015, and it is the most recent of several earthquakes to occur in western Nepal over the past year.

OCHA stated that the recent earthquake has worsened the challenges and weaknesses faced by communities who are still recovering from past disasters in regions where there are already existing low socio-economic conditions and limited coping abilities.
