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The United Nations Security Council convenes to discuss the recent US attacks in Iraq and Syria.
Middle East World News

The United Nations Security Council convenes to discuss the recent US attacks in Iraq and Syria.

The United Nations’ head of Political Affairs, Rosemary DiCarlo, informed ambassadors initially, cautioning about the increased severity of attacks in the Middle East and the potential for miscalculations.

She stated that the diplomatic community is well aware of the escalating tensions in multiple Middle Eastern countries.

According to her, the Secretary-General António Guterres has consistently cautioned against the possibility of increased military conflict and misjudgment since the Hamas terror attacks on October 7th sparked unrest in the region.

Rosemary DiCarlo, Under-Secretary-General for Political and Peacebuilding Affairs, briefs the Security Council meeting on threats to international peace and security.

UN Photo/Eskinder Debebe

Rosemary DiCarlo, the Under-Secretary-General for Political and Peacebuilding Affairs, updates the Security Council on concerns regarding global peace and security.

Ms DiCarlo stated that the region has experienced frequent incidents, such as 165 attacks on American facilities in Syria and Iraq, which have resulted in retaliatory strikes by the US.

On January 28th, an unmanned aerial vehicle strike resulted in the deaths of three American military personnel and wounded 40 others at a United States base in northeastern Jordan, according to her statement. She also mentioned that on February 2nd, the US conducted 85 airstrikes in Iraq and Syria targeting alleged members of the Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) Quds Forces and associated organizations.

The United States stated that it had attacked command and control operations, intelligence centers, and weapons facilities, among other locations. They also clarified that their actions were not intended to provoke conflict in the Middle East or any other region. The strikes were also condemned by both Syria and Iraq.

Both nations also alleged that the attacks caused fatalities and injuries among non-combatants.

Blue Line to the Red Sea

Ms. DiCarlo, the UN’s Under-Secretary-General for Political and Peacebuilding Affairs, discussed the tense situation in other parts of the region, including the conflict between the Israeli Defense Forces and Hezbollah along the Blue Line, which serves as a boundary between Israel and Lebanon’s armed forces.

According to the speaker, there were multiple instances of rocket attacks between Israel and militias believed to be connected to Iran in the occupied Golan region. In addition, there were airstrikes that were allegedly carried out by Israel on various locations in Syria.

Additionally, she observed the Houthi’s use of drones and missiles to attack ships in the Red Sea, as well as the subsequent strikes carried out by the United States and United Kingdom in response.

She urged all parties to heed the Secretary-General’s plea and to think about the immense toll a possible regional conflict would have on human lives and the economy.

She urged the Council to keep working with all involved parties in order to avoid further escalation and worsening of tensions that threaten regional peace and security.

Rosemary DiCarlo, the Under-Secretary-General for Political and Peacebuilding Affairs, provided a briefing to the Security Council.

5:22 PM

The United States’ actions against Iran are deemed illegal and unjustified.

Ambassador Amir Saeid Iravani of Iran addresses the Security Council meeting on threats to international peace and security.

UN Photo/Evan Schneider

The Security Council meeting on threats to international peace and security was addressed by Ambassador Amir Saeid Iravani of Iran.

Iran’s envoy, Amir Saeid Iravani, vehemently denounced the US attacks on Iraqi and Syrian regions.

He stated that the military action taken by the US is unlawful, unwarranted, and flagrantly disregards the fundamental standards and principles of international law and the UN Charter. He also condemned the combined US-UK attacks on Yemen.

He stated that these unlawful deeds aimed at innocent people and crucial facilities have put regional peace and security at risk, and also pose a significant threat to international peace and security.

The US and UK are making a “desperate attempt” to divert attention from the true cause of the current situation in the Middle East by unfairly accusing Iran, as noted by Ambassador Iravani.

He expressed disappointment that the United States, as a permanent member of the Security Council, did not fulfill its responsibilities outlined in the UN Charter. He accused the US of contributing to instability in the region and providing support to separatist organizations in Syria.

He criticized the United States’ involvement in Iraq, where they are carrying out “unlawful actions” and maintaining a presence under the pretense of combating terrorism.

He stated that the US and NATO should honor the Iraqi Government’s choice to end their military presence and remove their troops from the nation.

According to him, Iran has never actively caused an overflow of conflict in the region and does not have a military presence in Iraq. He also stated that their military advisors are legally stationed in Syria at the invitation of Damascus in order to combat terrorism.

He stated that the assertions of Iran’s bases being targeted in Iraq and Syria are false and seen as efforts to divert attention from the aggressive actions of the US.

He stated that the main issues in the region are occupation, aggression, and ongoing violence and cruel acts by the Israeli government, with full backing from the US, against innocent Palestinians living in Gaza and the West Bank.

5:17 PM

The Council has a responsibility to safeguard the borders of all nations, including Iraq.

Abbas Kadhom Obaid Al-Fatlawi, Charge d'Affaires of Iraq, addresses the Security Council meeting on threats to international peace and security.

UN Photo/Eskinder Debebe

Abbas Kadhom Obaid Al-Fatlawi, the representative for Iraq, speaks at the Security Council gathering regarding risks to global peace and stability.

Abbas Kadhom Obaid Al-Fatlawi, the Deputy Permanent Representative of Iraq, stated that the conflicts in the Middle East were interconnected.

He stated that we have previously advised against increasing conflict, and Iraq is implementing a well-balanced foreign policy in order to maintain its natural role as a prominent figure in the region and on a global scale.

He stated that Iraq has put in a lot of effort to establish itself as a stabilizing influence and to reconcile differences in the Middle East.

He stated that the American assaults do not align with our partnership with the US. He also mentioned that Iraq condemns and firmly opposes any attack on its land for senseless and irrational reasons.

We denounce any and all acts of aggression towards our military installations that infringe upon our sovereignty and safety. The Security Council has a responsibility to safeguard the territorial integrity of all nations, he stated.

5:10 PM

The US is using weak excuses to justify their actions against Syria.

Ambassador Koussay Aldahhak of the Syrian Arab Republic addresses the Security Council meeting on threats to international peace and security.

UN Photo/Evan Schneider

The Syrian Arab Republic’s Ambassador Koussay Aldahhak speaks at the Security Council meeting about potential dangers to global peace and security.

The Syrian Ambassador to the United Nations, Koussay Aldahhak, stated that the discussions held during the meeting consisted of “repetitive excuses and false allegations that the US government is using to validate their ongoing attacks.”

This included presenting a “distorted and wrongful interpretation” of the provisions of the Charter, especially Article 51, and that the root causes of conflicts, suffering and instability in the Middle East region are the “wrongful and destructive policies” of the US.

He stated that this encompasses Washington’s unwavering and unrestricted backing of the Israeli occupation and the heinous acts being carried out by Israel against the Palestinian population.

The US has continuously misused its permanent membership in the Security Council and heavily intervened in the internal matters of other nations, such as Syria, according to Ambassador Aldahhak.

The United States has created military alliances that operate independently of the United Nations and international laws, committing acts of aggression and seizing territories.

He emphasized that Syria firmly denies any justifications or falsehoods presented by the US government in order to justify their aggression, which is ultimately aimed at safeguarding their allies in the region.

He stated that Syria firmly opposes the use of Member States’ territories for US election campaigns and for exhibiting a display of aggression that goes against the core principles of collective security on which the UN was established.

4:41 PM

The ongoing assaults against American military personnel must come to an end.

Deputy Permanent Representative Robert A. Wood of the United States addresses addresses the Security Council meeting on threats to international peace and security.

UN Photo/Evan Schneider

Deputy Permanent Representative Robert A. Wood of the United States addresses addresses the Security Council meeting on threats to international peace and security.

Ambassador Robert Wood, the Deputy Permanent Representative of the United States to the United Nations, stated that the actions taken by his country on February 2nd in Iraq and Syria against Iran’s Islamic Republic Guards Corps and associated militia groups were necessary and proportionate. These actions were carried out in accordance with the US’s inherent right to self-defense, as outlined in Article 51 of the UN Charter.

He described the tragic event on January 28th where three service members lost their lives and dozens were injured as “devastating”.

He expressed that the recent attack is not acceptable and similar incidents should not persist. He affirmed that the actions taken by the US forces on Friday were required and appropriate, in accordance with international laws and their right to defend themselves.

In previous correspondences to this Council, we have consistently communicated that the United States will continue to take additional measures in response to any future attacks or threats made against American citizens, personnel, or facilities.

The US chose specific targets to minimize harm to civilians and had solid evidence linking them to the attacks on US personnel.

Biden has stated that these strikes were the beginning of our retaliation for the attack on Tower 22 in northeastern Jordan. He emphasized that these strikes were separate from the coalition’s strikes in Yemen, which were in response to Houthi attacks on ships in the Red Sea.

“I want to make it clear that the US does not want to engage in more conflict in the region. We are currently focused on containing and reducing tensions in Gaza, and we do not intend to enter into a direct conflict with Iran,” he stated. He also emphasized that the US will continue to protect its forces against any unacceptable attacks.

4:26 PM

The United Kingdom emphasizes the significance of collaborating with Iraq and Syria in order to combat terrorism.

Ambassador Barbara Woodward of the United Kingdom addresses the Security Council meeting on threats to international peace and security.

UN Photo/Evan Schneider

Ambassador Barbara Woodward from the United Kingdom speaks at the Security Council session on dangers to global peace and stability.

According to Barbara Woodward, the UK’s Ambassador and Permanent Representative to the UN, her country firmly backs all attempts to uphold and improve global peace and security, particularly in regards to Iraq and Syria. She also stated their dedication to reducing tension.

The UK stated their full support for the US’s right to self-defense and their ability to retaliate against any attacks on their soldiers and bases.

In recent weeks, the group Da’esh has been a serious danger to countries in the region. They carried out their largest attack in Iran, highlighting their ongoing ability to plan and inspire acts of terrorism, which remains a major threat globally.

The main goal of the worldwide alliance, in which the UK is a participant, is to combat Da’esh.

She stated that the UK is dedicated to collaborating with our allies in Iraq and Syria to combat the danger of Daesh and hinder their resurgence.

Ambassador Woodward observed that Iran’s backing of militant groups in terms of politics, finance, and military is causing destabilization in the region and hindering attempts to combat Da’esh.

We urge the government to control these factions and take immediate action to stop future attacks by their supporters and allies in Iraq, Syria, and Yemen.

She stated that the ongoing assaults by the Houthis on both civilian and military ships in the Red Sea are against the law and cannot be tolerated.

The UK has deployed forces in the Red Sea with the aim of safeguarding innocent lives, maintaining open navigation routes, and deterring future attacks on vessels.

4:20 PM


There is no military resolution: China’s stance is against the use of force.

Ambassador Zhang Jun of China addresses the Security Council meeting on threats to international peace and security.

UN Photo/Evan Schneider

China’s Ambassador Zhang Jun spoke at the Security Council meeting about risks to global peace and security.

Ambassador Zhang Jun of China stated that the actions of the US are causing further chaos in the Middle East.

It has been demonstrated through past events that employing military tactics will not effectively resolve the issues plaguing the Middle East. He stated that the United States’ actions would only worsen a never-ending cycle of retaliation.

He called on all parties to stay peaceful, follow the rules outlined in the Charter and international law, stop any unlawful military actions, and prevent the situation from escalating.

The main cause of the present state is the inability to enforce a ceasefire in Gaza, which is necessary for any advancement.

The speaker urged all involved nations to refrain from acting in their own self-interest. He addressed ambassadors, emphasizing that we are currently facing a crucial moment and must remember that we are all in this together.

Every country must continue to prioritize achieving regional stability as a shared objective.

4:13 PM

Unlawful and irresponsible attacks by US: Russia

Ambassador Vassily Nebenzia of the Russian Federation addresses the Security Council meeting on threats to international peace and security.

UN Photo/Eskinder Debebe

Russian Ambassador Vassily Nebenzia speaks at the Security Council session discussing issues pertaining to global peace and security.

The US has been engaging in unlawful and irresponsible attacks in the region, according to Russian Ambassador Vassily Nebenzia. These actions are just the newest in a series of events that have led to an unprecedented increase in violence.

He continued by stating that the recent large-scale bombings carried out by the US served as another example of the country’s aggressive stance in the Middle East and the government’s blatant disregard for global regulations.

The participation of the UK should not create the illusion of some kind of “international coalition”. 

London has not yet been held accountable for its enthusiasm in backing the solely instigative actions of its “older sibling” in Washington.

According to Mr. Nebenzia, the US is intentionally attempting to involve the major nations of the Middle East, such as Iran, in a conflict within the region.

He strongly condemned the aggression by the US against sovereign nations which have increased the level of instability in an already “burning” region.

He urged the global community to unequivocally denounce the irresponsible actions of the United States and its allies in the Middle East, which have disregarded the sovereignty of both Syria and Iraq.

2:45 PM

The gathering takes place amidst a string of US attacks on locations in Iraq and Syria on Friday.

“The US claims that the Iranian-supported militias used these sites to carry out attacks on military personnel stationed in the area. One attack on a military outpost in Jordan in late January resulted in the deaths of three US service members and injuries to dozens of others.”

Military officials from the US reported that over 85 locations in Iraq and Syria were targeted, which included command, control, and intelligence centers, supplies for munitions and logistics, as well as sites for rockets, drones, and missiles.

In recent days, the United States has been joined by the United Kingdom in a defensive operation targeting Houthi rebel locations in Yemen. These locations have reportedly been used to launch attacks on ships in the Red Sea.
