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The United Nations Secretary-General is stressing the need for a viable and trustworthy political resolution in Syria, as the country nears its thirteenth year of ongoing conflict.
Middle East World News

The United Nations Secretary-General is stressing the need for a viable and trustworthy political resolution in Syria, as the country nears its thirteenth year of ongoing conflict.

In March, it will have been thirteen years since the conflict in Syria began, leading to deliberate acts of violence and unimaginable hardships for innocent civilians.

The United Nations has projected that approximately 16.7 million individuals, which accounts for 70% of the overall population, will need emergency support in the year 2024. Nearly 50% of the population before the war is still without a permanent home within or outside of Syria.

In addition to the ongoing crisis, a succession of earthquakes hit the northern region of the country in February of last year. This resulted in the loss of almost 5,900 lives, caused significant destruction to infrastructure, and further worsened the already dire situation for millions who were already struggling to fulfill their basic necessities.

Many communities are facing difficulties in maintaining their existence due to a significant decrease in humanitarian aid. In the year 2023, only $2.02 billion, which is 37.4% of the total amount needed, was received for UN-led humanitarian initiatives.

Perform all necessary tasks.

The Secretary-General, António Guterres, called upon all parties to take necessary actions in order to achieve an authentic and trustworthy political resolution.

He stated that a resolution must be found that satisfies the rightful desires of the citizens of Syria, reinstates the nation’s control, oneness, autonomy, and spatial completeness in alignment with Security Council decision 2254 (2015), and establishes the prerequisites for the refugees to come back willingly in a secure and respectable manner.

Protect civilians

The protection of civilians and civilian infrastructure is crucial,” stressed the UN chief.

In addition, he urged for a tactical method to combatting terrorism that follows global regulations; persistent and unobstructed delivery of aid to all parts of Syria; and immediate and sufficient financial support to maintain essential aid efforts.

“It’s imperative for key stakeholders to take action and address these needs. A whole generation of Syrian individuals have already suffered an excessive cost,” he stated.

End impunity

Secretary-General Guterres additionally emphasized that in Syria, there are still issues such as arbitrary imprisonment, forced disappearances, unlawful killings, sexual and gender-based violence, and torture that persist and hinder efforts towards lasting peace.

“Each one of us bears the responsibility to combat impunity,” he stated.

Countless Syrian victims, survivors, and their loved ones rely on it – potentially totaling hundreds of thousands or even millions.
