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The top UN representative for sexual violence in conflict states that civilians in Israel and Palestine must not be left behind.
Middle East World News

The top UN representative for sexual violence in conflict states that civilians in Israel and Palestine must not be left behind.

The Security Council concluded their meeting at 5:32 PM. The UN’s leading representative on sexual violence in war reported witnessing horrific acts of violence against Israeli civilians and expressed their deep concern over the injustice of women and children being killed in Gaza since October 7.


  • for action.

    Pramila Patten, the Special Representative on Sexual Violence in Conflict for the UN Secretary-General, denied statements that were not true, presented a brief overview of her recent report on Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territory, and offered suggestions for steps to take.

  • Ms. Patten stated that the Secretary-General did not try to quiet my report or hide its conclusions.

  • The Special Representative was disappointed that some political actors did not respond to her report by initiating investigations into the alleged incidents, but instead chose to deny them on social media.

  • Ms. Patten stated that what she saw in Israel were images of unimaginable force used with alarming cruelty, causing great human distress.

  • “We found clear and convincing information that sexual violence, including rape, sexualized torture, and cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment, has been committed against hostages, and we have reasonable grounds to believe that such violence may still be ongoing against those in captivity,” she said
  • “I observed a pervasive sense of fear and uncertainty among women and men in the occupied West Bank, as they were deeply affected by the ongoing tragedy in Gaza,” stated Ms. Patten. She also noted concerns raised about aggressive body searches, unwanted physical contact, and threats of rape against women, as well as inappropriate and extended instances of forced nudity among detainees.

  • .

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5:23 PM

For too long, the council has remained quiet about Hamas’ crimes – Israel.

Israel Katz, Foreign Minister of Israel, said that he had come to the Security Council to protest “as loud as I can” against the crimes against humanity that Hamas has committed to deter and scare the entire society of Israel.

He accused the UN of being quiet about Hamas’s actions for too long, claiming that the group had not been condemned by the organization for its crimes.

Foreign Minister Israel Katz of Israel addresses the Security Council meeting on the situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian question.

Israel’s Foreign Minister, Katz, speaks at the Security Council meeting regarding the Middle East situation, including the Palestinian issue.

He stated that Hamas is solely accountable for the acts of violence against humanity. He also reminded people of the vicious assaults on innocent Israeli civilians on October 7th and urged ambassadors to designate Hamas as a terrorist group and impose severe penalties.

He stated that Hamas does not represent the views of the Muslim community and that Israel is urging the Security Council to denounce the actions carried out by the militant group in the name of Islam.

The speaker urged the Security Council to use its influence to push Hamas to promptly and unconditionally release any hostages that may be held in Gaza. He also highlighted the ongoing attacks and the precarious situation facing the hostages.

“I implore the United Nations to do everything in its power to put an end to this unimaginable suffering on our planet,” he expressed, expressing gratitude towards the countries who have shown support and agreed with Israel’s perspective.

5:00 PM


Palestine Pleads to End Genocide

According to Riyad Mansour, the Permanent Observer for the Observer State of Palestine, the beginning of the holy month of Ramadan finds Gaza without both food and hope. There is nothing to eat for suhur or iftar, and the ongoing humanitarian crisis, which is a result of the occupation, has resulted in the death of 9,000 women and 13,000 children, as well as displacement for over one million people who are living in deplorable conditions.

Riyad Mansour, Permanent Observer of the State of Palestine to the United Nations, addresses the Security Council meeting on the situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian question.

I am not able to reword this as it is a photo credit.

Riyad Mansour, the Permanent Observer of the State of Palestine at the United Nations, spoke at the Security Council meeting on the current state of affairs in the Middle East, specifically the issue of Palestine.

Despite numerous investigations, the Security Council has not held a meeting to address sexual assault against Palestinian individuals of all ages. Evidence, such as the 2013 report by UNICEF on the mistreatment of detained Palestinian children by Israel, and findings by the UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, have revealed instances of violence and sexual assault perpetrated by Israeli security forces against Palestinian women and men, including acts such as genital kicking and threats of rape.

He expressed optimism that the meeting today will lead to a shift in this behavior and that the Council will give fair consideration. He presented various concerns regarding the most recent report presented to the Council.

Although Ms. Patten did not attempt to collect information or confirm allegations regarding the Occupied Palestinian Territory in order to avoid repeating the efforts of other UN bodies, she noted that none of these entities were asked to share their findings on sexual violence against Palestinians today.

“Allow the evidence to speak for itself.”

He announced his delegation’s willingness to work together with OHCHR and the Independent International Commission of Inquiry in examining all accusations. He anticipated that the Security Council would request for Israel to also participate in the investigation.

“He stated that the facts should be allowed to speak and that the law should determine the outcome.”

The speaker noted that Israel has a history of using deceit and misrepresentation to justify the violent treatment and displacement of Palestinian people. They deliberately spread false information, fully aware that the damage caused would be difficult to correct in a timely manner.

He provided examples of unsubstantiated claims, such as “beheaded babies”, “Hamas headquarters under Al-Shifa Hospital”, and a story deemed false in the Special Representative’s report regarding a pregnant woman whose womb was supposedly torn open and her fetus stabbed while still inside her.

He stated that it was shameful because the focus was never on the Israeli victims. Instead, the true motive was to justify the cruel actions Israel planned to take against Palestinian victims, and for them, the truth did not matter in this pursuit.

The lack of consequences for Israel’s actions allowed for the genocide in Gaza to occur.

He stated that there is no excuse for any aggression towards innocent people.

He stated that for 75 years now, Israel has been engaging in actions such as killing, injuring, and imprisoning Palestinians, as well as demolishing their homes and subjecting an entire nation to punishment, both before and after 7 October.

He stated that despite the fact that Israel has killed, destroyed, and stolen, the blame always falls on the victim. None of the Israeli leaders or members of the occupation forces have ever faced consequences for their crimes against the Palestinian people. This lack of accountability has allowed for the genocide to occur.

The speaker called for an end to Israeli impunity in order to initiate a much-needed change. He pleads again for the cessation of the genocide.

4:43 PM

cannot reword

Algeria’s unwavering attack on Palestinians cannot be reworded.

Amar Bendjama, who serves as the Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Algeria to the United Nations, expressed his country’s stance that all individuals, regardless of their nationality, religion, or background, should not have to experience the nightmare of sexual violence.

The speaker denounced these actions as unacceptable according to our religion, Islam. He emphasized the need for those responsible to be held accountable under the law, and urged for an impartial international investigation into any reports of sexual violence in the area, as recommended by Special Representative Patten.

He proceeded to mention that Palestinian women have endured the effects of an unyielding attack, prejudice, and unimaginable brutality on multiple fronts for many years.

“The Palestinian population, and specifically women, have been subjected to countless brutalities violating the very essence of their humanity and dignity,” he said. “This plight is however not a recent phenomenon; it has persisted throughout the enduring occupation and exacerbated by a deliberate policy of collective punishment.”

4:35 PM

The US Council is responsible for eradicating instances of sexual violence related to conflict.

Linda Thomas-Greenfield, the US Ambassador, stated that the Council has not addressed the atrocities on October 7th and that some members are doubtful about the evidence presented.

“The proof in front of us is incriminating and destructive,” she stated. “The dilemma now is how we will react. Will the Council denounce Hamas’s sexual violence or remain silent?” she inquired.

Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield of the United States addresses the Security Council meeting on the situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian question.

U.S. Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield speaks at the Security Council session regarding the conditions in the Middle East, specifically concerning the issue of Palestine.

When discussing accusations in the West Bank, she emphasized the importance of all parties adhering to international laws. She also stated that as a democratic nation, Israel has a responsibility to hold those responsible accountable.

She stated that Hamas continues to commit sexual violence, referring to instances outlined in the report by the Special Representative and urging for the release of all captives.

She emphasized the necessity for the Council to urge Hamas to accept the ceasefire proposal that is currently being discussed and considered. If Hamas truly prioritized the well-being of the Palestinian populace, it would consent to this agreement, resulting in crucial assistance being delivered.

A proposal has been presented by the United States which aims to facilitate a pause in hostility and promote long-term peace. The proposed draft also addresses a previous failure by the Council to denounce Hamas, as emphasized by the individual.

She stated that during this time, the Council must collaborate in order to eliminate sexual violence that is related to conflict.

4:33 PM

Accountability essential: Ecuador

Ecuador’s Ambassador, Jose De La Gasca, emphasized the importance of an immediate ceasefire and urged Israel to permit a thorough United Nations investigation into the reported cases of sexual violence.

He implored Israel to permit the UN human rights office (OHCHR) and the impartial investigative commission of inquiry to enter.

It is crucial that there is responsibility for these offenses, ensuring that the perpetrators are thoroughly examined, prosecuted, and punished.

He stated that it was crucial to thoroughly investigate any reports of sexual violence in the West Bank, whether committed by settlers or the Israeli forces.

The importance of human life and dignity has been ignored, as evidenced in this report. The speaker stated that Ecuador supports both Israel and Palestine and demands an end to the violence.

4:10 PM


Additional information is required from Russia.

Maria Zabolotskaya of the Russian Federation, briefs UN Security Council members on the situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian question.

The photo was taken by UN photographer Eskinder Debebe.

Maria Zabolotskaya from Russia provided a summary to members of the UN Security Council on the state of affairs in the Middle East, specifically addressing the issue concerning the Palestinian people.

Maria Zabolotskaya, a representative from Russia, reiterated her delegation’s firm condemnation of the attacks that occurred in October. She stated that while these acts were deplorable, they do not justify imposing collective punishment on the Gaza Palestinian population.

She expressed support for efforts to uncover the crimes committed during the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, stating that the UN is currently not taking enough action in this field and lacks access to dependable information.

Furthermore, the speaker noted that Gaza was not included in the Special Representative’s visit and it is uncertain what specific cooperation from Israel the report mentions. The Council has, in fact, only received incomplete information.

Ms. Patten pointed out that her team was not able to meet with the victims of the sexual assault that occurred during the tragic events on October 7th. She stated that the majority of the information was obtained from the Israeli government.

She stated that any conclusions can only be drawn after a thorough and impartial examination of the situation’s full geographic range. Additionally, she emphasized that Russia strongly objects to any efforts to manipulate the crucial matter of addressing sexual violence in the conflict.

“We find it unacceptable for the pain of individuals who have been victims of sexual violence or have been accused of this grave offense to be used as leverage in political tactics,” she stated.

4:02 PM

Immediate action necessary in Mozambique intervention

The ongoing conflicts and assaults in the Occupied West Bank and Gaza Strip have prompted Domingos Estêvão Fernandes, Mozambique’s Deputy Permanent Representative to the UN, to call for urgent action from the Security Council.

He emphasized the importance of all parties following international humanitarian law and recognizing that rape and sexual violence are serious violations during times of armed conflict. He urged all parties to work towards a peaceful solution and to stop all fighting during the holy month of Ramadan.

He emphasized the importance of taking a moment to consider if more bloodshed and violence is necessary in our world.

3:35 PM

France: Ceasefire needed now

The French Ambassador, Nicolas de Rivière, expressed his dissatisfaction with the fact that both the Security Council and the General Assembly have not taken a definitive stance against the terrorist acts and violence, including sexual violence, carried out by Hamas and other terrorist organizations on October 7.

According to him, France will persist in efforts to ensure that the truth of the events is acknowledged and indisputable, and cannot be doubted.

“We repeat our demand for the prompt and unconditional liberation of all hostages,” he stated, stressing that all nations are bound by international law. It is crucial to investigate the claims made in the report regarding instances of sexual violence towards Palestinians.

During the beginning of the Ramadan period, France is urging for a swift and lasting end to hostilities. Despite no agreement being reached, they stress the importance of a ceasefire in order to provide essential aid and safeguard civilians. It is unacceptable and inexcusable that there is limited access to those who require assistance.

3:29 PM

Civilians terrorized: UK

The Minister of State for the Middle East, Lord Tariq Ahmad, expressed his sorrow over the disturbing reality of sexual violence being used to intimidate and harm innocent civilians. This cruel tactic causes irreversible damage to the victims, their loved ones, and their communities.

He expressed strong worry regarding the results reported by Special Representative Patten, which indicate that there are valid suspicions of sexual violence taking place in Israel on October 7th, as well as clear and convincing evidence of sexual violence being perpetrated against hostages.

“I am greatly troubled by the possibility of continued violence against those who are still being held captive,” he expressed, urging for the prompt, secure, and complete liberation of all hostages.

United Kingdom’s Minister for the Middle East, Lord Tariq Ahmad, addresses the Security Council meeting on the situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian question.

Lord Tariq Ahmad, the United Kingdom’s Minister for the Middle East, spoke at the Security Council meeting about the situation in the Middle East and the question of Palestine.

Lord Ahmad was also deeply shocked by the reports of sexual violence committed by Israeli forces against Palestinian detainees, which are currently being investigated.

The speaker urges Israel to promptly take actions to stop sexual violence related to conflict, to follow international laws that protect civilians, to conduct thorough investigations into these incidents, and to punish those responsible.

“I want to make it very clear that the United Kingdom condemns all forms of sexual violence associated with conflict, no matter where it happens. We also stand with and support all victims and survivors,” he declared.

In simpler terms, it needs to end. Those responsible must be held responsible. Those who have survived must receive comprehensive assistance.

Lord Ahmad emphasized that justice being postponed ultimately means justice being disregarded. He strongly believes that the only feasible method to attain fairness and safety for both the Israeli and Palestinian populations is through a two-State resolution.

He stated that the initial action should be an immediate halt to the conflict, resulting in a lasting and sustainable ceasefire, the liberation of all hostages, and the provision of crucial humanitarian aid to Gaza. This is the resolution that we are striving for.

It is our responsibility to honor the memory of all the civilians who have lost their lives in Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories. Therefore, we must use all available means and resources to achieve this goal.

3:10 PM

“I witnessed the agony reflected in their gaze.”

Pramila Patten, the Special Representative on Sexual Violence in Conflict for the UN Secretary-General, presented a summary of her trip to Israel and the West Bank. This trip was not intended as an investigation, but rather to collect, examine, and confirm reports of sexual violence related to conflicts.

Due to the ongoing conflict, she did not pursue a request to visit Gaza, where other UN organizations are working, in order to monitor incidences of sexual violence.

The Secretary-General has not made any effort to silence or hide the findings of my report,” she stated, emphasizing that her team, which consisted of nine UN experts, carried out the mission with independence and transparency.

She stated that the conclusions were drawn by evaluating the credibility and trustworthiness of sources. It was also determined if there was enough evidence to make a factual conclusion. In several instances, the team found that certain accusations were not supported by evidence.

Pramila Patten, Special Representative of the Secretary-General on Sexual Violence in Conflict, briefs UN Security Council members on the situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian question.

UN Photo/Eskinder Debebe

The Special Representative of the Secretary-General on Sexual Violence in Conflict, Pramila Patten, provides a summary to members of the UN Security Council regarding the current situation in the Middle East, specifically addressing the issue of the Palestinian conflict.

Israel visit

The team interviewed 34 people, some of whom were survivors of the 7 October attacks. They visited four locations where attacks were reported and examined over 5,000 images and 50 hours of footage given by authorities and independent sources. The team did not have the opportunity to meet with survivors of sexual attacks, according to the leader.

She described what she saw in Israel as horrific acts of aggression that were carried out in a brutal manner, causing great pain and suffering for the people involved. She spoke of meeting with traumatized communities who are struggling to rebuild their lives after such traumatic events.

She mentioned witnessing the anguish in their eyes, referring to testimonies of individuals who were shot, burned in their homes, and killed by grenades. She also mentioned the abduction of hostages, mutilation of corpses, and rampant looting. The atrocities committed included extreme and inhumane acts of killing, torture, and other horrifying deeds.

Hostages in Gaza

“We have obtained compelling evidence indicating the occurrence of sexual violence, such as rape and sexualized torture, as well as cruel and inhumane treatment towards hostages. There is substantial reason to believe that this violence is still happening to those being held captive,” she stated. However, she emphasized that this information does not justify any further acts of hostility.

According to her, this imposes “a moral obligation” for a humanitarian ceasefire to stop the indescribable hardship inflicted on Palestinian civilians in Gaza and to return the hostages.

West Bank

During her trip to Ramallah, she stated that the UN organizations had already supplied data that will be incorporated into her report to the Council in April.

She stated, “In the West Bank, I observed a restless atmosphere permeated with fear and unease. Women and men were traumatized and greatly troubled by the ongoing tragedy unfolding in Gaza.”

She mentioned that the people she spoke with expressed worries about intrusive body searches, unwelcome physical contact, and the danger of sexual assault towards women. They also mentioned instances of detainees being subjected to inappropriate and extended forced nudity.

Raising these reports with Israeli authorities, who indicated its who provided her with some information regarding their protocols in place to prevent and address such instances and indicated their willingness to investigate any alleged breaches.

She stated, “I am disappointed by the initial response to my report from certain politicians, which was to completely disregard the alleged incidents on social media rather than launch investigations.”

According to her, it is crucial to transform political determination into practical actions in order to address the ongoing issue of incessant violence.


The report suggests several actions, such as calling for a halt to hostilities and Hamas releasing all captives.

She stated that the parties involved in the conflict have ignored international law. She urged the Israeli government to immediately allow the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights and the Independent International Commission of Inquiry on the Occupied Palestinian Territory to access the area. She also called for Israel to thoroughly investigate all reported violations on October 7th.

The only way to achieve peace is through honesty.

She stated that only by embracing truth can peace be achieved, and also urged relevant authorities to hold perpetrators accountable for their actions.

She stated that the violent actions carried out by Hamas on October 7th and the cruel punishment inflicted upon the Palestinian people are unjustifiable.

“I am committed to achieving a world without conflict,” she stated. “It is crucial for the international community to provide support and assistance to civilians and their families in both Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territory. It is essential that survivors of sexual violence and those in vulnerable situations are safeguarded and aided. We must not let them down.”

She suggested that instead of horror and heartache, we should focus on healing, humanity, and hope.

The reliability of the system involving many countries relies on this, and the established order of international rules requires nothing less.

3:06 PM

Ms. Patten is updating ambassadors, and mentioned that the Council’s meeting was over 150 days since the organized attack led by Hamas, which was the most fatal in Israeli history.

According to the Gaza health ministry, over 30,000 Palestinians, predominantly women and children, have died following the Israeli attack on October 7. The speaker also mentioned this fact.

2:45 PM

Ms. Patten is anticipated to give a summary of the report on sexual violence in the Occupied Palestinian Territory and Israel. The report gained global attention when it was published last week after a visit to the region in late January to mid-February.

The report stated that the Special Representative stated that there were “reasonable grounds” to suspect instances of sexual violence occurred in at least three locations, including the Nova music festival, during October’s Hamas attacks on Israel.

Findings also showed hostages taken during the attacks faced “rape and sexualized torture and sexualized cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment and it also has reasonable grounds to believe that such violence may be ongoing” inside Gaza.

During their time in the West Bank, her team received input from Palestinian counterparts regarding incidents involving alleged actions by Israeli security forces and settlers. The report acknowledged that many stakeholders expressed concerns about the mistreatment of Palestinians in custody, including an increase in the use of sexual violence such as invasive body searches, threats of rape, and prolonged forced nudity.

The gathering is being held amidst an increase in food insecurity in Gaza. Aid shipments have been obstructed by Israel and there is a growing threat of famine. Israeli Defence Forces intend to launch a ground invasion in Rafah, the southern area of the besieged and heavily attacked region. Over 1.5 million residents of Gaza are seeking refuge from the ongoing conflict.
