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"Residents of North Gaza are forced to leave their homes in search of necessities such as food and shelter due to destruction caused by recent events."
Middle East World News

“Residents of North Gaza are forced to leave their homes in search of necessities such as food and shelter due to destruction caused by recent events.”

For months, the UN has been warning of a looming famine, particularly in northern Gaza as everything needed to sustain life has either been destroyed or simply run out. This is now being translated into deaths among children, not as a result of shells and bullets, but for lack of proper nutrition – or any nutrition at all.

The road to food and water

Abdullah Qarmout left his lifelong home in the Jabalia refugee camp due to the lack of resources that can benefit the body both internally and externally, as he explained it.

The UN News team encountered a 64-year-old man on Al Rachid Street in Gaza City, where he displayed clear signs of being distressed and exhausted. This man, along with his wife Aisha and others, made the difficult and hazardous decision to travel south in hopes of finding food and security.

“This is the current situation: a loaf of barley, containing less than three grams of flour, is being sold for one shekel, while a loaf with five grams is priced at two shekels. I have not been able to eat any bread or drink water since yesterday,” he stated.

On Tuesday, a 14-truck aid convoy was turned back by the Israeli military after a three-hour wait at the Wadi Gaza checkpoint. This was the World Food Programme (WFP)’s first attempt to resume even small food deliveries to the north after being forced suspend its operations on 20 February due to the lack of safe humanitarian access.

A large group of desperate individuals halted the trucks and seized approximately 200 tons of food assistance, showcasing the concerns raised by the UN about the lack of law and order in the area. Secretary-General António Guterres referred to the place as a “graveyard for children”.

‘There are many kind-hearted individuals who will provide nourishment for them.’

Aisha informed UN News that she and Abdullah convinced their son, Mohamed, and his family of seven to travel south after exploring all alternatives.

“I confirm that his children were going without sleep due to hunger. They lacked access to food, and he was unable to purchase diapers and milk. I affirm this.”

Abdullah and Aisha Qarmout walking down Al Rachid Street on their way from northern Gaza to the south.

Ziad Taleb reported the information on UN News.

Abdullah and Aisha Qarmout strolled along Al Rachid Street as they traveled from the northern part of Gaza to the south.

The 62-year-old grandmother told UN News that the family was forced to borrow money from relatives and neighbours after depleting its own resources, but even that was no longer an option.

We took out loans to cover our expenses for food and drink. Eventually, when we asked for more loans, we were unable to obtain them. We urged our son: “My beloved child, our children are suffering from hunger. If they do not receive help, their lives will be lost and you will bear the guilt. Take them to the south; there, you will find nourishment. Good-hearted people reside there who will provide for them.”

Khudur Al-Sultan speaking to UN News's Ziad Taleb on his journey from north Gaza to the south.

UN News / Ziad Taleb

Sultan Khudur was interviewed by Ziad Taleb from UN News about his travels from northern Gaza to the southern region.

Khudur Al-Sultan, in an statement to UN News, shared that he and his family bravely stayed in Jabalia City for five months despite its severe destruction. Despite the dire circumstances and hardships, their strong attachment to their hometown compelled them to survive on animal feed and suffer through one of the most dire humanitarian crises in the world.

“For five months, we remained resolute in our efforts to secure food for our children. However, we faced challenges in finding enough nourishment for them. The flour I purchased only lasted one month. In response, we resorted to grinding barley and fodder. Is this deemed acceptable by God?”

More than 70% of housing units in the Gaza Strip have been demolished, and in the northern region, the figure rises to over 80%.

A housing expert from the UN, Balakrishnan Rajagopal, informed the Human Rights Council that the extent and severity of damage in Gaza is significantly greater than that of Aleppo, Mariupol, and even Dresden and Rotterdam during World War Two.

Khudur questioned, “Why did they destroy us and our homes without reason? We are not wanted by anyone, thankfully. What did we even do to deserve this?”

The fortunate ones who are at risk

These Palestinians who are vulnerable are currently fortunate. They still have the capability to relocate and try to find a safe haven, which is a privilege that numerous people, around 300,000, in the northern part of Gaza do not possess.

They are facing a lengthy and hazardous trek towards an uncertain future. They persist in traveling by foot towards Rafah, where more than 1.4 million individuals reside in dismal circumstances.

A family walking down Al Rachid Street on their way from northern Gaza to the south.

“UN News” by Ziad Taleb

A group of family members strolling along Al Rachid Street while traveling from the northern to southern parts of Gaza.

A few days prior, the current coastal route was the site of a devastating occurrence. Over 100 individuals lost their lives and several hundred were wounded while trying to procure flour for sustenance for both themselves and their loved ones.

This single event is enough to comprehend why these individuals are escaping to a destination where they are aware that the living conditions are cramped, unsanitary, and ultimately still very hazardous.

Ceasefire, now

The United Nations and all its agencies continue to call for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire in the Gaza Strip – as well as safe, unhindered and sustained humanitarian access – to save the remaining population and avert a major famine. It has also called for the immediate and unconditional release of all hostages held by Hamas and other Palestinian armed groups.

Up until now, these requests have gone unnoticed.
