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Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights expresses disappointment over Venezuela's choice to halt the functioning of the agency.
Americas World News

of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights expresses disappointment over Venezuela’s choice to halt the functioning of the agency.

OHCHR spokesperson Ravina Shamdasani expressed regret in a statement over the announcement and stated that the Office is actively engaging with authorities and other parties involved.

“Our primary focus is and continues to be advocating for and safeguarding the human rights of the citizens of Venezuela,” she stated.

Earlier this week, the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) expressed deep concern about the detention of human rights advocate Rocío San Miguel on X (previously known as Twitter). The OHCHR stated that it is actively monitoring the situation.

The location of the woman is still unknown, which could classify her detainment as an involuntary disappearance. The statement urges for her immediate release and for her legal rights to be upheld.

Before the Venezuelan Government made an announcement, the office stated on X: “Based on statements from the authorities, we can confirm that Rocio San Miguel’s location of detention has been verified” and that four of her family members were released under certain conditions.

The document also requested fair treatment procedures, which include honoring the right to have a legal representative for one’s defense.

OHCHR in Venezuela

OHCHR has been operating in Venezuela since October 2019, offering technical aid and observing the state of affairs in order to safeguard and advance human rights, strengthen legal systems, and preserve democratic freedom.

OHCHR has been assisting in the development of the second national plan for human rights and the establishment of a national mechanism for reporting and following up on recommendations from international human rights mechanisms in an inclusive and participatory manner.

Rocío San Miguel’s arrest

On February 9th, authorities detained Ms. San Miguel, the president of civil society organization Control Ciudadano, according to the Independent International Fact-Finding Mission on Venezuela.

The investigation team released a statement on Tuesday stating that Venezuelan authorities apprehended her “while attempting to board a plane with her daughter at the Simón Bolívar International Airport”.

Marta Valiñas, the leader of the investigative team, asked the government to share details about Ms. San Miguel and her daughter, along with “all individuals in custody whose whereabouts are still undisclosed.”

Ms. Valiñas emphasized the Government’s responsibility to avoid using oppressive tactics that go against its commitments to international human rights and criminal law.

The UN Human Rights Council created a fact-finding mission in September to investigate reported human rights abuses that occurred from 2014. The mission’s duration has been prolonged until September 2024.
