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North Korea's military satellites pose a significant danger to both civil aviation and shipping.
Asia Pacific World News

North Korea’s military satellites pose a significant danger to both civil aviation and shipping.

Mohamed Khaled Khiari, the Assistant Secretary-General for the Middle East, Asia and the Pacific at the United Nations, informed ambassadors that the satellite was successfully placed on a rocket and launched on November 21.

The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea’s National Aerospace Technology Administration, also known as North Korea, stated that it will be launching multiple intelligence-collecting satellites within a brief time period.

According to Mr. Khiari, the launches by the DPRK pose a significant danger to global air and sea transportation. He noted that Pyongyang did not provide any safety notifications to the International Maritime Organization, International Civil Aviation Organization, or International Telecommunications Union, despite informing the Japanese Coast Guard.

Rights in space

According to a high-ranking United Nations representative, sovereign nations are allowed to participate in peaceful activities in outer space. However, resolutions from the Security Council specifically forbid North Korea from conducting any launches that involve ballistic missile technology.

In response to the launch on November 21st, the Secretary-General of the United Nations, António Guterres, emphatically restated his plea for North Korea to fully adhere to its global responsibilities and resume discussions in order to achieve lasting peace and the complete and verifiable dismantlement of nuclear weapons on the Korean Peninsula.

Disturbing increase in language used

According to Mr. Khiari, the rise in nuclear language regarding the Korean Peninsula is extremely alarming.

According to the speaker, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) is currently carrying out a five-year military strategy that was announced in January 2021. This plan involves creating a military surveillance satellite, commonly referred to as “spy satellites,” as well as developing other weapons such as tactical nuclear arms.

He observed that the nation recently implemented a constitutional amendment that solidifies its stance on nuclear capabilities within the Constitution.

The United Nations representative stressed that the North Korean government has continuously shown a determination to maintain its nuclear weapons and ballistic missile projects, which goes against Security Council resolutions. The official urged the authorities to avoid such actions.

Nuclear-free peninsula

According to Mr. Khiari, it is crucial to resume communication between North and South Korea, especially through military channels, in order to prevent any accidental or miscalculated incidents amidst increasing tensions on the Peninsula. He emphasizes the need for maximum restraint in this matter.

He urged members of the Security Council to come together and devise practical actions to stop the current negative pattern. This should include utilizing all forms of communication, diplomacy, and negotiation as outlined in Council resolutions with the goal of achieving complete denuclearization.
