My goal is to promote mental wellbeing in Madagascar by providing individual consultations.
Henrielle Emasignavy is employed by the World Health Organization in Ambovombe, where the Androy Regional Referral Hospital is located. She discussed the services being offered to individuals facing mental health emergencies.

Henrielle Emasignavy, a member of WHO, is located at the Androy Regional Referral Hospital.
There is a prevalence of various mental health issues in Ambovombe town, such as psychotic episodes, schizophrenia, and depression.
The number of young individuals experiencing mental health issues has risen. It is believed that in adolescent males, this may be connected to the use of marijuana, while in females aged 13 to 18, it could be related to the end of a romantic relationship or postpartum depression.
The ongoing humanitarian crises in southern Madagascar contribute to the anxiety and stress experienced by both men and women living in these conditions.
In the southern regions, we have observed a combination of climate change and underdevelopment, exacerbated by recent droughts and cyclones. This has resulted in a vulnerable population facing challenges in survival. In times of crop failure, there is no safety net and many go hungry. Additionally, access to healthcare and social support can also be difficult.
‘Victims of sorcery’
I encountered a woman named Elodie who experienced postpartum psychosis following the birth of her child at the age of 20, and then tragically lost her child six months later.
Upon meeting her, I observed a chain affixed to her ankle.
Her mother told me that it was for her own safety as her daughter kept on trying to escape. There is a lot of stigma attached to people who suffer from mental health disorders. They are said to be “possessed” and the victims of sorcery.
Mental disorders can be treated through medical means, but due to growing ignorance and poverty, individuals may resort to extreme actions like restraining patients, which worsens their already existing mental health issues.

Elodie’s mother (in the middle) reports that her daughter (on the right) has responded positively to medication.
Accessing care
Obtaining treatment can be extremely difficult for individuals. The closest hospital with specialized mental health services is located 600 kilometers away. To address the growing demand for these services, the World Health Organization has deployed medical teams to provide occasional outpatient care.
Over the course of three days, a grand total of 93 individuals received complimentary consultations. Of those patients, 67 percent were female, including Elodie, who met with a neurologist. As a result of the consultation, she was prescribed medication that her mother claims has positively impacted her mental well-being. Elodie is now taking better care of herself, including maintaining personal hygiene.
It is desired that there are additional services offered for individuals like Elodie. Although it is evident that a psychiatrist who visits can only provide limited assistance, I am pleased that we are able to aid certain patients in their journey towards healing.
Unfortunately, Elodie’s mother and sister are the only ones who support her. Tragically, the rest of her family has rejected her, resulting in Elodie and her mother being forced to leave their family home.
Elodie’s mother is anticipating a complete and speedy recovery for her daughter, so she can resume a regular lifestyle and also financially support their three-person household.
Encourage optimal mental health and wellness while also enhancing efforts to prevent and address substance misuse.
- use
Decrease the amount of fatalities and sickness caused by pollution, contamination, and tobacco consumption.
- for all
Attain complete healthcare coverage, and ensure accessibility to reasonably priced, necessary vaccinations and medications for everyone.
Decrease the worldwide number of deaths during childbirth to below 70 for every 100,000 live births and the number of deaths of children under five years old to at least 25 for every 1,000 live births.
Put an end to the spread of AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria, as well as fight against hepatitis and other contagious illnesses.
Ensuring healthy lives and promoting wellbeing at all ages is crucial for sustainable development.