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During the holy month of Ramadan, the UN Security Council unanimously approved a resolution calling for an urgent stop to the conflict in Gaza.
Middle East World News

During the holy month of Ramadan, the UN Security Council unanimously approved a resolution calling for an urgent stop to the conflict in Gaza.


  • During Ramadan, the UN Security Council passed a resolution put forth by its 10 non-permanent members (E-10) calling for a cessation of hostilities in Gaza. The resolution was approved by a vote of 14 in favor, 0 against, and 1 abstention (United States).

  • Revised:

    Resolution 2728 additionally mandates the prompt liberation of hostages and guaranteeing humanitarian aid to Gaza.

  • between the Ukrainian government and the pro-Russian separatists.

    The Council turned down a suggestion from Russia for an amendment that would have demanded an ongoing truce between the Ukrainian government and pro-Russian separatists.

  • policy

    The US embassy delegate expressed complete endorsement of the crucial goals outlined in the proposed policy.

  • The ambassador of Algeria stated that the ceasefire will put an end to the violent conflict.

  • The ambassador for Palestine, representing the observer State, sees this as a crucial moment.

  • to the UN

    Israel’s UN envoy deems the omission of condemnation towards Hamas in the draft as “shameful”.

  • .

    Please refer to the UN Meetings Coverage website in English and French for recaps of United Nations meetings.

12:15 PM

This is a first step: Yemen

On behalf of the Arab Group, Abdullah Ali Fadhel Al-Saadi, the representative of Yemen, expressed appreciation for the 14 states that voted in favor of the resolution.

He stated that the initial resolution should be seen as the first step towards a final resolution for a lasting ceasefire.

The Arab Group reiterates that pursuing a ceasefire does not contradict the demand for the release of all hostages.

He stated that the group is demanding immediate adherence to the resolution and firmly rejects the double standard that is prolonging the conflict. He also mentioned that Israeli occupation forces are engaging in a genocidal war, deliberately targeting women and children and enforcing starvation as a policy.

He urged the Council to implement harsh penalties on Israeli settlers who are stirring up aggression towards Palestinians, particularly in Jerusalem.

The team will persist in their endeavors for a prompt cessation of hostilities, the distribution of relief supplies, a termination to the coerced relocation of those living in Gaza, and increased global safeguarding for the people of Palestine.

He stated that Israel must be responsible for their wrongdoing and that now is the moment for the global community to acknowledge Palestine as a complete member of the United Nations.

11:52 AM

Israel has labeled the lack of condemnation from Hamas as “a disgrace.”

Ambassador Gilad Erdan, Permanent Representative of Israel to the UN, addresses the Security Council meeting on the situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian question.

The Israeli Ambassador to the UN, Gilad Erdan, speaks at a Security Council meeting about the current state of affairs in the Middle East, which includes the issue of Palestine.

Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Israel, Gilad Erdan, expressed concern over the Security Council’s selective treatment of victims. He pointed out the Council’s swift condemnation of the recent attack on a concert hall in Moscow, but failed to do the same for the Nova music festival massacre that took place on October 7th.

“He stated that all civilians, regardless of their location, should have the right to listen to music in a safe and secure environment. The Security Council should have the ethical courage to denounce these acts of terrorism without bias.”

“Regrettably, the Council once again declined to denounce the massacre on October 7th. This is a shameful decision,” He remarked.

According to Mr. Erdan, Hamas has continuously launched attacks against Israelis over the last 18 years, firing countless rockets and missiles indiscriminately at civilian targets.

The speaker noted that although the resolution did not condemn Hamas, it did mention something that should have been the main guiding principle.

He stated, “This resolution condemns the act of holding hostages, emphasizing that it goes against international law.” He also emphasized that taking innocent civilians as hostages is considered a war crime.

He emphasized the urgency for the Security Council to take tangible steps rather than just empty talk when it comes to rescuing the hostages.

11:45 AM

The suffering of Gaza must come to an end: Palestine.

Ambassador Riyad Mansour, Permanent Representative of the State of Palestine to the United Nations addresses the Security Council meeting on the situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian question.

The State of Palestine’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Ambassador Riyad Mansour, speaks at the Security Council’s meeting on the state of affairs in the Middle East, specifically regarding the Palestinian issue.

According to Riyad Mansour, the Permanent Observer for the State of Palestine, it took six months and resulted in over 100,000 Palestinian casualties before an immediate ceasefire was called for.

The people of Gaza have consistently defied the odds and persevered despite facing challenges such as famine and losing their homes in the rubble. They have expressed their frustration and emotions through shouting, crying, cursing, and praying.

“He urged the ambassadors to bring an immediate end to their ordeal.”

According to him, Israel’s actions are undermining the principles of international law. Rather than following the compulsory decree issued by the International Court of Justice (ICJ), Israel has intensified its actions.

it seems that there is an ongoing threat of invasion of Rafah by Israel and that Palestinians are in danger regardless of whether they stay or leave.

The country of Israel has persisted in provoking the United Nations by criticizing the leader of the organization and the UN aid agency, UNRWA. It is crucial that we protect the UN, he stated.

He cautioned that such inflammatory provocation has serious repercussions for United Nations and humanitarian workers stationed in the area, putting them at risk of violence, death, and mistreatment.

Furthermore, this has tangible implications for the halt of aid from UNRWA. “It is imperative that these actions taken by Israel prompt a significant response from the international community,” he stated.

He expressed his support for the resolution and praised the solidarity shown by Arab nations in calling for a ceasefire.

He stated that this must be a crucial moment, one that will result in saving lives in the affected area. He also stated that this should mark the end of the brutal attacks and mistreatment towards his people. He declared that his entire country was currently experiencing extreme violence.

11:30 AM

and become compliant

Russia must strive for a lasting ceasefire and adhere to regulations, as directed by the Council.

Ambassador Vassily Nebenzia, Permanent Representative of Russia to the UN, addresses the Security Council meeting on the situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian question.

Vassily Nebenzia, Russian Ambassador to the United Nations, speaks at a Security Council session about the current state of the Middle East and the issue concerning Palestinians.

The Russian Ambassador and Permanent Representative, Mr. Nebenzia, stated that their country supported the resolution because it demanded an immediate ceasefire, even if it is only within the month of Ramadan.

He expressed uncertainty about the events that occur after the ending because the term ‘lasting’ can be understood in different manners.

“I hope that the phrasing included in the resolution will be used to promote peace rather than continue to allow Israel to act without consequence,” he stated, acknowledging those who defend Israel’s actions.

The ambassador expressed his delegation’s “disappointment” that Russia’s proposal was unsuccessful, stating that the word “permanent” would have been a more accurate description.

“Regardless, we firmly believe it is crucial to vote in support of peace,” he stated, urging the Security Council to persist in their efforts to secure a long-lasting ceasefire.

11:28 AM

– The UK government has announced the

The British government has declared that the key to a sustainable peace is a humanitarian pause.

Ambassador Barbara Woodward, Permanent Representative of the United Kingdom to the UN, addresses the Security Council meeting on the situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian question.

Ambassador Barbara Woodward, Permanent Representative of the United Kingdom to the UN, addresses the Security Council meeting on the situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian question.

Barbara Woodward, the Ambassador of the United Kingdom, stated that her nation has persistently advocated for an urgent humanitarian break to achieve a lasting ceasefire and prevent further devastation, violence, and loss of life. The swift release of hostages and delivery of aid are vital outcomes.

The resolution states the reason why the UK voted in support of it and what it calls for. According to “We regret that this resolution has not condemned the terrorist attacks perpetrated by Hamas on 7 October,” she said, the urgent demand is stated for the release of all hostages without any conditions.

The main goal for the Council now is to prioritize a prompt humanitarian break that will result in a long-term and secure peace, avoiding any further conflicts.

Ambassador Woodward stated that the creation of a new Palestinian Government for the West Bank and Gaza, coupled with international aid, would lead to the reduction of Hamas’ capacity to initiate attacks.

A solution must be found for Israel and Palestine to coexist peacefully and securely as two separate states.

11:17 AM

Life and death vote: Guyana

Ambassador Carolyn Rodrigues-Birkett, Guyana's Permanent Representative to the UN, addresses the Security Council meeting on the situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian question.

Carolyn Rodrigues-Birkett, Ambassador of Guyana to the United Nations, speaks at the Security Council session regarding the ongoing situation in the Middle East and the issue of Palestine.

Carolyn Rodrigues-Birkett, the Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Guyana, stated that following over five months of intense violence and devastation, a ceasefire is the crucial distinction between survival and death for countless Palestinians and other individuals.

“The Council’s demand is being made during a critical moment, as Palestinians are observing the sacred month of Ramadan,” she stated, bringing attention to the ongoing fatalities in the region and the increasing number of displaced families.

Expressing worry about the imminent famine in Gaza, the ambassador also emphasized the unequal repercussions of the conflict on women and children.

“The families of the hostages being held in Gaza are facing increasing anguish as there seems to be no solution for their return,” the speaker stated. She also acknowledged that Palestinian families are going through the same emotional turmoil as they wait for their unlawfully detained loved ones in Israel to be released and reunited with them.

11:14 AM

rolls back rule forcing automakers to go electric

Some automakers in China are no longer required to produce electric vehicles.

Ambassador and Permanent Representative of China to the United Nations, Zhang Jun, expressed gratitude towards the E-10 Council members for their contributions to the draft.

After observing his country’s opposition to the US-proposed resolution last Friday, he pointed out the discrepancies between the two drafts.

He stated that the current version is clear and accurate in its intended course of action, calling for an immediate end to fighting. In comparison, the previous draft was vague and uncertain. He also stated that the current resolution aligns with the overall hopes of the global community and has the unified backing of Arab countries.

He stated that China had caused the US to come to the realization that they could no longer hinder the Council.

The resolution passed by the Council today is too late for those who have already died, said the speaker. However, for those who are still alive in the Strip, this resolution brings much anticipated hope.

He stated that the attack on innocent civilians must stop immediately and the hostile actions must come to a halt.

11:01 AM

Following a period of complete silence, the Council must now shift its attention to finding solutions. This is a priority for France.

Ambassador Nicolas de Rivière, Permanent Representative of France to the UN, addresses the Security Council meeting on the situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian question.

France’s UN Ambassador Nicolas de Rivière speaks at a Security Council session discussing the current state of affairs in the Middle East, specifically regarding the Palestinian issue.

French Ambassador and Permanent Representative Nicholas de Rivière  welcomed the adoption of the resolution, stressing that “it was high time” that the Security Council act. 

“The passing of this resolution serves as evidence that the Security Council is capable of taking action when all members fulfill their responsibility with due diligence,” he stated.

The lack of response from the Security Council regarding Gaza is becoming increasingly noticeable. It is now imperative for the Council to take action towards resolving this crisis. The situation is not yet resolved and the 15-member group must continue to stay engaged and act promptly.

After Ramadan, which will end in two weeks, the Council will need to establish a lasting ceasefire,” the ambassador emphasized, also highlighting the significance of a two-state solution.

10:55 AM

The Republic of Korea’s resolution must have a tangible impact.

According to Ambassador Hwang Joonkook of the Republic of Korea, this is the first time that a resolution has been approved by the E-10 on the topic of the Middle East. This marks a significant achievement.

However, in order for today’s decision to hold real weight, it must make a substantial difference in Gaza, according to him.

The state of affairs must change prior to and following the passing of this decision. This can only happen if both Israel and Hamas adhere to and sincerely carry out this resolution.

The involved parties must acknowledge that this agreement represents the collective view of the global community and must begin implementing a ceasefire immediately.

The destruction of buildings has continued in Khan Younis, in the southern Gaza Strip.

© UNICEF/James Elder

The demolishing of structures in Khan Younis, located in the southern portion of the Gaza Strip, has persisted.

10:46 AM

Supporting crucial talks: US

Linda Thomas-Greenfield, the US Ambassador and Permanent Representative, stated that the Security Council supports the current diplomatic initiatives led by the United States, Qatar, and Egypt. These efforts aim to establish a lasting ceasefire, free all hostages, and provide much-needed aid to the suffering Palestinian civilians in Gaza.

She stated that the United States wholeheartedly endorses these crucial goals.

They were the basis for the resolution presented last week, which was ultimately vetoed by Russia and China.

Highlighting that her nation’s backing for the goals “goes beyond just words”, Ms. Thomas-Greenfield expressed that the US is continuously striving to bring them to fruition through diplomatic efforts.

She implored members of the Council to make it known that a ceasefire could have been achieved “months ago” if Hamas had been willing to release the hostages, blaming the group for hindering progress towards peace.

Today, I would like to request that the members of this Council make their voices heard and firmly demand that Hamas agrees to the proposed deal.

10:47 AM

The United Nations secretary-general has called for the implementation of a resolution.

The Secretary-General, António Guterres, responded promptly following the vote on X and stated that the resolution, which had been eagerly awaited, must be put into action.

According to him, if the Council doesn’t take action, it would be considered unforgivable.

10:40 AM

The drafted proposal from Algeria would bring an end to the violence and unrest in Gaza.

Ambassador Amar Benjama, Permanent Representative of Algeria to the UN, addressing the Security Council meeting on the situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian question.

Algerian Ambassador to the United Nations, Amar Benjama, delivering a speech at the meeting of the Security Council regarding the current state of affairs in the Middle East, specifically the matter of Palestine.

According to Ambassador Amar Benjama of Algeria, the proposed plan will bring an end to the ongoing massacres in Gaza that have lasted for five months.

“The bloodbath has gone far too long,” he said. “Finally, the Security Council is responding to the calls of the international community and the Secretary-General.”

He stated that the draft delivers a definite statement to the Palestinian community, saying “the entire international community has not forsaken you.”

Approving the current resolution marks only the start of fulfilling the hopes of the Palestinian people…and halting the violence without any requirements.

10:39 AM

The draft resolution has been approved, with the United States choosing to abstain from voting.

UN Security Council votes on resolution demanding an immediate ceasefire in Gaza for the month of Ramadan.

The United Nations Security Council has voted on a resolution calling for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza during the month of Ramadan.

The proposed change in Russian language was not approved because there were not enough votes in favor.

However, during the official voting process, 14 people voted in favor of the resolution while the US chose to abstain. As a result, the resolution has been approved.

10:36 AM

One issue is the exclusion of the term “permanent” in a previous draft. The current version mandates an “instant cessation of hostilities”.

Russia proposes amendment

According to Russian Ambassador Vassily Nebenzia, the substitution of the word “permanent” with a less forceful term in the first operative paragraph is not satisfactory.

According to the speaker, we were all provided with guidelines for a vote on the document that included the term “permanent.” Any other details could be interpreted as an approval for Israel to carry on with their assaults.

Therefore, his representatives suggested a verbal change to reinsert the term “permanent” in the draft document.

10:27 AM

The countries of Israel and Yemen will attend the meeting, along with the observer nation of Palestine.

Individuals who desire to express an opinion before the voting occurs are currently speaking.

A girl stands in front of her shelter in the city of Rafah.

“Permission granted to UNICEF by IMG.”

The International Modeling Group has granted consent to UNICEF.

A young girl is positioned in front of her residing structure located in Rafah city.

Ambassador Pero Afonso of Mozambique is presenting the draft on behalf of the ten elected members (E-10) of the Council.

He stated the urgency of resolving the dire conditions in the Gaza Strip, which is a major concern for the global community and poses significant risks to peace and stability.

The main purpose of this text is to fulfill the mandate set out by the UN Charter, which outlines specific goals to strive towards.

He stated that the E-10 group has consistently backed the request for an urgent ceasefire as a “crucial” initial step. However, the proposed resolution also requires the prompt liberation of all captives and complete humanitarian access to them.

He appealed to all members to vote for the resolution and strive for a complete end to hostilities and lasting peace in the Middle East due to the urgent gravity of the situation.

10:25 AM

The meeting has begun with Ambassador Yamazaki leading a moment of silence to honor the victims of the terrorist attack in Moscow on Friday.

10:13 AM

The current events happening in the Chamber are quite unusual. The Russian ambassador is currently in deep discussion with several other high-ranking diplomats, such as the Palestinian Observer and the ambassador from Malta. It is evident that negotiations are still taking place regarding the draft that is set to be voted on.

Only a small number of the ambassadors have arrived at the table. It appears that we will have to wait some time before the gavel is struck.

10:07 AM

For the month of March, Japan is in charge of the Security Council. The meeting will be led by Ambassador Kazuyuki Yamazaki, who is currently waiting for all the council members to enter the chamber. Some groups are seen talking excitedly while making their way in.

09:30 AM

The Council has faced disagreements resulting in multiple draft proposals being rejected by at least one of its five permanent members (China, France, Russia, United Kingdom, United States) who have the power to veto. This has been ongoing since the war began in October after terror attacks by Hamas on southern Israel.

This morning, ambassadors will review a draft at the Security Council Chamber’s iconic horseshoe table. The draft, which was created by non-permanent members, is only four paragraphs long and contains operative details.

The primary requests are for a ceasefire, the release of hostages, and the allowance of aid into Gaza.

The resolution requests a basic ceasefire to take place during Ramadan, starting on March 11. It also calls for the release of approximately 130 hostages being held in Gaza, as well as the immediate facilitation of life-saving assistance to the starving population in the besieged area.

The Council has yet to achieve success in its demand to stop hostilities, after Israeli forces entered Gaza in October in response to Hamas attacks that resulted in almost 1,200 fatalities and 240 individuals being held captive.

In the time that has passed, Israel has continuously attacked Gaza, while also restricting access to crucial resources such as water, electricity, and aid. As a result, more than 32,000 Palestinians, according to the health ministry, have lost their lives. Additionally, a report supported by the UN has revealed a dire situation of famine that is currently taking place.

There is an increasing demand to put an end to the war.

Missile attacks on Gaza are continuing.

The image provided by UNICEF/Eyad El Baba cannot be reworded.

The bombardment of Gaza with missiles remains ongoing.

In November, a ceasefire lasting one week resulted in a swap of hostages between Gaza and Israel. However, the fighting resumed and has become increasingly intense. The rising casualties and malnutrition in Gaza have sparked urgent pleas to bring an end to the war and quickly address the severe humanitarian crisis.

Earlier versions that were not approved had similar terms to this recent one, as well as resolutions 2712 and 2720 from late 2023. However, disputes remain among the members and there is ongoing pressure for the 15-person Council to take a more decisive stance in resolving the conflict.

Take a look at our explanation of the outcome when the Security Council becomes divided, and stay updated on our reporting during the discussion.

What is the purpose of the latest draft resolution?

  • The Council has requested a ceasefire during the month of Ramadan, to be observed by all involved parties, in order to achieve a permanent and sustainable ceasefire.

  • It is necessary for the release of all hostages without delay and conditions, as well as ensuring that they have access to necessary medical and humanitarian assistance. Additionally, it should be ensured that both sides fulfill their responsibilities under international law in regards to any individuals they hold in custody.

  • The Council would stress the immediate necessity of increasing the delivery of humanitarian aid and enhancing the safety of civilians throughout the Gaza Strip.

  • The Council’s draft emphasizes the need for removing obstacles to providing widespread humanitarian aid, in accordance with both international humanitarian law and resolutions 2712 (2023) and 2720 (2023).

These are the key points discussed during the Council’s Friday meeting:

  • A draft proposed by the US to bring an end to the conflict in Gaza was blocked by permanent members of the Council, China and Russia. The vote resulted in 11 members in favor and 3 against (Algeria, China, Russia), with one abstention (Guyana).

  • .

    Numerous ambassadors expressed backing for a recent proposal put forth by the “E-10” coalition of temporary members on the Council, which urges for an instant halt to hostilities.

  • The rejected proposal aimed to enforce an urgent and ongoing truce in Gaza, with the requirement to increase the provision of humanitarian aid to all civilians and remove any obstacles to its delivery.

  • The draft caused disagreement among council members, as certain elements were seen as glaring omissions despite previously expressing concerns to the US during the negotiation process.

  • The majority of ambassadors showed their support for prompt measures to supply food and necessary assistance on a large scale to Gaza. Fears of famine have arisen due to Israel’s blockade and delays in allowing shipments into the besieged region.

  • between Israel and Palestine

    Several members of the Council proposed working towards a resolution to the ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestine, involving the establishment of two separate states.

  • The ambassador of Israel was asked to give a speech, expressing disappointment in the failure to pass the draft and condemn Hamas, stating it as a permanent blemish that will not be forgotten.
