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Activists urge for the Australian government to grant permanent residency for Ukrainian refugees.

Activists urge for the Australian government to grant permanent residency for Ukrainian refugees.

Community leaders in Australia are calling on the government in Canberra to permit displaced individuals from Ukraine to seek permanent residency in the country. The temporary humanitarian visas granted to many refugees from the Ukraine conflict are set to expire next year.

Over 11,000 individuals from Ukraine have traveled to Australia on different types of visas, such as visitors’ permits, since the Russian invasion in February 2022.

Approximately 3,790 individuals from Ukraine were issued temporary humanitarian visas for a period of three years through a program administered by the Australian government. These visas will expire in the coming year. The government has stated that displaced Ukrainians with this type of immigration permit may possibly remain in the country by applying for various skilled, family, student, or visitor visas.

However, community organizations are expressing concerns that certain Ukrainian individuals who have been displaced may face difficulties in obtaining permanent visas. This is due to potential challenges such as age requirements, lack of acknowledgement of qualifications obtained abroad, and limited proficiency in the English language. The eligibility criteria for some visas include being under the age of 45 and having relevant experience and credentials in professions that are in high demand in Australia, such as accounting, piloting, and engineering.

According to Andrew Mencinsky, the vice president of the Ukrainian Council of New South Wales, the fate of many visa holders in Australia remains uncertain, as reported by local media.

He stated that there is currently no defined route for obtaining permanent residency and their humanitarian visas are soon expiring.

Both New Zealand and Canada have implemented specific immigration options for Ukrainians seeking permanent residency in their nations.

Natalia Borodina, a refugee from Ukraine, is employed at a charitable organization in Sydney, where she assists new immigrants.

Many Ukrainians living in Australia expressed concern to the Australian Broadcasting Corp. about the uncertainty surrounding their visa expiration.

“In the last six months and currently, this has been the primary concern expressed by my clients. The first thing they ask when they call is if there have been any updates on their visa status. This creates a lot of anxiety within the community,” she stated.

The Department of Home Affairs in Australia has announced that it is giving priority to processing visa applications for Ukrainian nationals, specifically those with ties to Australia.

The statement stated that citizens of Ukraine have the option to request a bridging visa, allowing them to legally remain in Australia until their immigration status is resolved.

Australia is among the largest non-NATO contributors to Kyiv’s war effort, supplying missiles and armored personnel carriers.

The government has imposed sanctions on several hundred Russian politicians, including President Vladimir Putin, military leaders, and business owners. These penalties are the most far-reaching that Australia has ever implemented against another nation.

Furthermore, imports of Russian oil, petroleum, coal, and gas have been prohibited in Canberra.

In a statement on Friday, Australia and Britain’s foreign and defense ministers condemned Russia’s complete, unlawful, and unethical invasion of Ukraine. They demanded that Russia withdraw its troops from Ukraine’s territory, which is recognized by the international community.
