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Ukraine objects to the Russian presidential elections taking place on its territory at the United Nations.
Europe Ukraine

Ukraine objects to the Russian presidential elections taking place on its territory at the United Nations.

Joining more than 55 countries at the United Nations, Ukraine condemned Russia’s efforts to hold elections on Ukrainian territory under occupation, deeming them invalid.

The group, represented by Ukraine’s U.N. ambassador, Sergiy Kyslytsya, alongside other ambassadors, issued a statement expressing their strong disapproval of Russia’s unlawful efforts to hold presidential elections in temporary occupied regions of Ukraine, which are universally recognized as a part of Ukraine’s territory.

According to him, conducting elections in the territory of another member state of the U.N. without their approval goes against the fundamental concepts of sovereignty and territorial integrity. He believes that such elections hold no legal significance according to international law.

From Friday until Sunday, Russian citizens are participating in voting for polls that international election observers have deemed unlikely to be fair and open. These polls are clearly aimed at securing another six-year term for President Vladimir Putin.

The country of Ukraine, with the assistance of Slovenia, has asked for a meeting of the United Nations Security Council on Friday to address Russia’s decision to hold a vote in regions of Ukraine that are currently under Russian control, such as Crimea, Donetsk, Luhansk, Kherson, and Zaporizhzhia.

“You convened an entire Security Council meeting to criticize Russia for Russia’s conduct of democratic elections on territories which administratively, politically and economically are part of our country — like it or not,” Russia Deputy Ambassador Dmitry Polyanskiy said.

The Russian election was deemed a “travesty” by Ukraine’s representative. It was claimed that citizens living in the occupied regions were heavily coerced by their authorities to take part in the “fake” election.

According to Kyslytsya, some of the reported violations include endangerment to life, unjust imprisonment, refusal to provide healthcare and social services, deportation threats, and property deprivation, all of which are enforced by the use of force. It is important to acknowledge the brutality of these actions.

Linda Thomas-Greenfield, U.S. representative, stated that this is simply a blatant effort to promote propaganda and reinforce Russia’s wrongful assertion of control over the regions of Ukraine that were invaded without justification.

Rosemary DiCarlo, the U.N.’s political leader, stated that Russia, as the occupying force, has a responsibility to uphold Ukrainian laws in the territories under its control. She also noted that U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has condemned Russia’s plans to hold presidential elections in these regions as “unacceptable.”
