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China informs Ukraine that it does not provide lethal weapons to Russia.
Europe Ukraine

China informs Ukraine that it does not provide lethal weapons to Russia.

According to a statement, the foreign minister of China informed his Ukrainian counterpart that they do not provide deadly weapons to Russia for their conflict with Ukraine. This communication took place on Sunday.

According to a statement from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in a meeting at a significant security conference in Munich on Saturday, Wang Yi assured Dmytro Kuleba that China does not exploit the situation by supplying lethal weapons to areas or groups involved in conflicts.

The Chinese government claims to be a neutral entity in the Ukraine conflict, but has faced backlash for not denouncing Russia’s aggressive actions.

In recent times, China and Russia have increased their economic collaboration and diplomatic communication, leading to a strengthening of their strategic alliance, particularly after Moscow’s involvement in Ukraine.

Beijing has been accused of providing deadly weapons to Russia, allegations that it has consistently refuted.

According to the readout from the ministry, Wang told Kuleba that China wishes for normal development and mutual benefits in China-Ukraine relations, regardless of any changes in the global situation.

The statement expressed gratitude towards Ukraine for aiding in the safe evacuation of Chinese citizens during an emergency. It also acknowledged that the Chinese people will always remember this act of kindness.

According to the readout, Wang emphasized China’s commitment to resolving controversial issues through political means and urged for the advancement of peace negotiations.

Wang informed Kuleba that we will continue to actively contribute towards ending the war and restoring peace in a positive manner.

“Despite the limited possibility of achieving peace, China remains committed to its pursuit.”
