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Biden criticizes Republican delay in providing new aid to Ukraine.
Europe Ukraine

Biden criticizes Republican delay in providing new aid to Ukraine.

The delay by Republicans in approving new aid to Ukraine for their efforts in defending against Russia was condemned by U.S. President Joe Biden.

According to Biden, it would be a grave mistake for the United States Congress to not provide support for Ukraine. He expressed his outrage about this potential failure while meeting with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz in the Oval Office of the White House.

Scholz briefly visited Washington to show his support for the president’s push to secure funding for Ukraine.

Scholz spoke about mounting worries in Europe regarding the stalemate between the Democratic president and House Republicans over providing funds for Ukraine.

Scholz stated that without the backing of the United States and European nations, Ukraine would not have the capability to protect its own country.

The United States Senate is progressing towards a decisive vote to promote a military assistance package worth $95.3 billion, with approximately $60 billion allocated to support Ukraine’s conflict against Russia.

On Friday, a group of U.S. representatives from both political parties visited Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy in Kyiv to discuss their commitment to passing critical military aid legislation through the House of Representatives.

The group included four individuals from the House Intelligence Committee: Republicans Mike Turner and French Hill, as well as Democrats Jason Crow and Abigail Spanberger.

Turner informed reporters during a press conference in Kyiv that the United States is actively working in both the House of Representatives and the Senate to obtain the required funding for 2024. The delegation is set to meet with Zelenskyy before departing.

The Ukrainian Service of VOA in Washington inquired senators on Thursday about the possibility of the Ukraine bill being approved.

According to Democrat U.S. Senator Chris Murphy, the decision to provide aid to Ukraine lies in the hands of Republicans. Democrats are willing to support Ukraine in any manner necessary, but last fall, Republicans stated they would not approve aid unless the border issue was addressed. This was done and a bipartisan bill was passed, but all Republicans voted against it yesterday, including the proposed Ukraine aid.

Senator Roger Marshall, a member of the Republican party, stated to VOA that he will not support additional military funding, supplementary funding, or any other type of funding until a measure is passed to properly secure the border.

Senator Bill Cassidy, a Republican, stood up for the bill and stated to Voice of America, “It is crucial for the United States to stand by our allies as there are hostile nations trying to harm and hinder the United States. It is in our best interest to support our allies.”

Republican Senator Tommy Tuberville stated to VOA that he is opposed to the bill. He has not yet backed any funding for Ukraine and is still considering his stance on the issue. He believes that more weapons are necessary.

Ukraine has relied on the United States as its primary source of military aid during its conflict with Russia. However, this assistance has been delayed due to ongoing debates in Congress about a proposed bill that would also provide aid to Israel and Taiwan.

During his evening video statement on Friday, Ukrainian President Zelenskyy conveyed his gratitude for the assistance provided by Washington in protecting Ukraine’s sovereignty and democracy since the start of the intense conflict.

Zelenskyy emphasized that Ukraine is currently dealing with exceptional difficulties. He stated, “There is growing talk in Europe about the Kremlin’s plans to escalate aggression.” He also expressed gratitude towards American allies for recognizing the importance of ongoing support.

Zelenskyy stated that Putin only becomes rational when he faces strength.

Putin states that Russia is prepared to negotiate a trade of prisoners.

In a recent interview with former Fox News host Tucker Carlson, Putin emphasized the importance of the US recognizing Moscow’s interests and encouraging Ukraine to engage in discussions. The interview was broadcast on Thursday night.

According to Putin, it is the responsibility of Washington to cease providing weapons to Ukraine, which he refers to as a “satellite” of the U.S., and to convince Kyiv to engage in negotiations. He believes that reaching a deal is the solution to ending the war.

Putin restated his assertion that the large-scale invasion in February 2022, which is viewed by Kyiv and its allies as an unprovoked act of aggression, was necessary to safeguard Russian interests and prevent Ukraine from becoming a threat by joining NATO.

He also stated that the West will not be able to achieve a “strategic defeat” over Russia in Ukraine. He also denied accusations that Moscow has intentions to attack Poland or other NATO nations.

Putin stated that Russia is willing to engage in discussions for a swap of prisoners involving Wall Street Journal journalist Evan Gershkovich, who has been detained for alleged espionage since March 2023 and denies the charges. The Russian president proposed that Moscow desires the liberation of a Russian citizen currently imprisoned in Germany.

During a press conference on Thursday, White House National Security Spokesperson John Kirby warned against believing Putin’s statements without further scrutiny. He also pointed out that it was Russia who initiated the invasion of Ukraine in 2022.

Relentless warfare

On Friday evening, officials reported that drones attacked civilian infrastructure in and around Kharkiv, which is the second largest city in Ukraine.

Oleh Synehubov, the regional governor, reported on Telegram that drones had caused harm to the civilian infrastructure in Nemyshlianskyi district. Journalists from Suspilne public television witnessed a fire glowing over the city.

The leading military official in Velykyi Burluk, Viktor Tereshchenko, reported to Suspilne that drones had caused harm to a hospital and restaurant in the town east of Kharkiv.

Authorities stated that a medical facility in the city was targeted in an assault last week, resulting in the displacement of numerous individuals seeking treatment.

The regional governor of Odesa reported that a drone strike in the Black Sea port had caused injuries to one individual.

Earlier today, it was reported that three individuals were killed due to shelling in a village located in Sumy region, which shares a border with Russia.

Kateryna Lisunova of VOA Ukrainian has contributed to this report. The Associated Press, Agence France-Presse, and Reuters also provided some information.
