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The ongoing deadlock in Libya poses a threat to the country’s future, according to the Security Council.

Abdoulaye Bathily urged ambassadors in the Security Council to prioritize the greater good, engage in sincere negotiations, and come to a consensus on a united government. It is crucial to also guarantee that national elections take place in order to…

A production unit in Kenya is manufacturing affordable laboratory equipment for schools in the country.

A government organization in Kenya is aiding students from low-income households in utilizing science labs for their classes. The manufacturer has created solar-powered mobile labs that are more affordable than constructing permanent structures. Reporting from Nairobi is Victoria Amunga, with…

Intense conflict in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo leads to widespread displacement.

According to UNHCR, approximately 135,000 individuals from the town of Sake, located on the northern shores of Lake Kivu, have been forced to flee due to recent conflict in the region. These displaced individuals are currently making their way towards…

A newly established company in Silicon Valley has made a significant discovery of extensive reserves of copper.

A technology company in California, supported by wealthy individuals in the tech industry, claims to have utilized artificial intelligence to identify significant copper reserves in Zambia. This finding is particularly significant as the demand for this metal is on the…

Zimbabwe is making an effort to introduce a currency backed by gold.

Harare, Zimbabwe —  On Monday, the government of Zimbabwe announced that it will be implementing a currency backed by gold to take the place of their currently devalued dollar. This decision comes as many businesses in the country have opted…

Narratives from the United Nations Records: Boris Karloff, Hansen’s disease, and the nation of Nigeria.

Public Domain Actor Boris Karloff. Known for his performance in the movie version of Mary Shelley’s novel from 1818, Mr. Karloff also appeared in 130 films, portraying what he referred to as numerous “terrifying characters.” In 1959, Mr. Karloff left…

The people who are not part of the military are facing immense hardships due to the combination of war, illness, and being forced to leave their homes in Sudan.

Peter Graaff, the temporary delegate for the Sudan branch of the United Nations World Health Organization (WHO), expressed concern over the inadequate living conditions for displaced individuals residing in densely populated areas. These individuals lack access to fundamental necessities such…

As alcohol misuse increases in Zambia, officials promise to uphold regulations.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), a significant number of individuals in Zambia are consuming excessive amounts of alcohol, with over 70% of men and over 30% of women falling into this category. In order to assist those struggling…

A creative individual from Malawi brings electricity to households despite doubts from professionals.

A young man who dropped out of high school in rural Malawi has successfully provided electricity to his community by utilizing an innovative air-powered generator, eliminating the need for fuel, oil, or batteries. While experts have raised doubts about the…

First Person: ‘My eggs are too expensive to eat’ (and that’s a good thing)

More than 80 individuals who raise chickens in the Anosy Region have been given these birds, which may potentially change their lives. These birds originally come from India, but they are now doing well in Tanzania. The FAO imported eggs…