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Activists urge Nigeria to refuse Shell’s oil selloff plans

London —  Environmental and human rights activists are calling on the Nigerian government to withhold approval of plans by the London-based oil giant Shell to sell off its operations in the Niger Delta, unless the oil giant does more to…

Cameroonian school teaches manufacture of plant-based meat

A government-run school in Cameroon’s capital is teaching students how to manufacture plant-based meat, an innovation which the school’s director hopes will contribute to the fight against climate change. Anne Nzouankeu has more from Yaoundé in this report narrated by…

Kim Wall grantee to report on climate change, marginalized groups

WASHINGTON —  Audrey Gray was at a national task force in New Orleans when a colorful zine caught the climate journalist’s eye. Produced by Imagine Water Works, the zine — A Queer/Trans Guide to Storms — took the form of…

‘Fear and loss’ multiplies in Sudan exodus

At least 1.8 million among them fled across the border into neighbouring, South Sudan, Chad, Central African Republic, Egypt and Ethiopia; as well as Uganda.   Thousands more are arriving by the day, agency spokesperson Olga Sarrado told journalists at…

In much of Africa, abortion is legal but not advertised

ACCRA, Ghana —  When Efua, a 25-year-old fashion designer and single mother in Ghana, became pregnant last year, she sought an abortion at a health clinic but worried the procedure might be illegal. Health workers assured her abortions were lawful…

Unexpected strawberry crop spins Burkina’s ‘red gold’

Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso —  In the suburbs of Burkina Faso’s capital Ouagadougou, lucrative strawberry farming is supplanting traditional crops like cabbage and lettuce and has become a top export to neighboring countries. Prized as “red gold” in the Sahel, strawberry…

First Person: The genocide survivor protected by a mass murderer

In the early 1990s, Mr. Murangwa was a star player for Rayon Sports in the capital Kigali. As a Tutsi, his life was in extreme danger when the 100-day genocide, which led to over 800,000 people, overwhelmingly Tutsi, being killed. …

US accuses Kenyan officials of corruption in contract awards

Nairobi, Kenya —  American firms are losing out on business and contracts in Kenya because top government officials demand bribes, the U.S. trade office said in a report released last week, warning that corruption will hurt foreign investment. According to…

Botswana leads calls on G7 countries to review diamond tracking initiative

GABORONE, BOTSWANA —  Africa’s leading diamond producer, Botswana, has written to the Group of Seven leading industrial countries seeking to reverse an initiative requiring all producers to send gems to Belgium for certification. This follows G7 move to prevent the…

Sudan: Aid lifeline reaches Darfur region in bid to avert ‘hunger catastrophe’

“The UN WFP has managed to bring desperately needed food and nutrition supplies into Darfur; the first WFP assistance to reach the war-wracked region in months,” said Leni Kinzli, WFP Communications Officer in Sudan. The convoys crossed into Sudan from…