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Lily Thompson

Ukraine’s president Zelenskyy has successfully halted Russia’s advancements, but is in need of additional air defense systems.

On Wednesday, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy stated that his country’s military has proven that they can halt Russia’s military. However, the Kyiv government is in urgent need of air defense systems from Western allies in order to intercept the growing…

The relevance of Ukraine’s United TV Marathon is being questioned by journalists.

kyiv, ukraine —  For almost 24 months, a group of Ukraine’s major television networks have collaborated as part of the United TV Marathon. However, as the battle against Russia’s large-scale invasion reaches its third year, skeptics are raising concerns about…

American experts provide potential outcomes for the resolution of the conflict in Ukraine.

Since the commencement of the conflict in Ukraine, the nation’s capability to participate in military actions against Russia has relied on assistance from Western countries. However, as some of that support is currently uncertain or decreasing, the upcoming year may…

American legislators have reconvened and are currently addressing issues regarding border protection and providing assistance to Ukraine.

WASHINGTON —  American legislators returned to work this week following a three-week break, with the goal of reaching an agreement on border security in exchange for Republican support in providing additional assistance to Ukraine. Senator Chris Murphy, a key negotiator…

“Chinese students around the world are being targeted by cyber ‘kidnapping’ scams.” There is a trend of cyber ‘kidnapping’ scams aimed at Chinese students globally.

WASHINGTON —  A recent case of cyber abduction involving a Chinese exchange student in Utah seems to be part of a global trend where unidentified individuals, pretending to be Chinese authorities, target Chinese students abroad and demand large sums of…

The scheduled return of astronauts to the moon has been postponed until 2026 by the United States.

washington —  According to NASA Administrator Bill Nelson, the United States has delayed its scheduled mission to send astronauts back to the Moon’s surface from 2025 to 2026. In 2017, the US space agency announced “Artemis” as their project to…

An American company is unable to complete their mission to land on the moon due to a fuel leak.

CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. —  Due to a serious fuel leak, a U.S. company was unable to successfully land their spacecraft on the moon on Tuesday. The lander from Astrobotic Technology experienced fuel loss shortly after its launch on Monday. It…

Meta Toughens Content Curbs for Teens on Instagram, Facebook

Washington —  On Tuesday, Meta announced that it would be implementing stricter limitations on the content available to teenagers on Instagram and Facebook. This decision comes as the company faces heightened criticism for potentially causing harm to young users on…

Taiwanese Farmers Adapt as Cross-Strait Tensions Grow

Taipei, Taiwan —  Over the past two years, Tsou Yun-shing, a 61-year-old farmer specializing in atemoya crops in Taitung County, Taiwan, has faced challenges in his business. After China prohibited the entry of atemoyas from Taiwan in September 2021, his…

The year 2023 has been recorded as the hottest on Earth, bringing us closer to a critical limit.

PARIS —  In 2023, according to EU climate monitors, the Earth experienced its hottest year on record. The surface temperature of the planet rose significantly, coming close to reaching the critical limit of 1.5 degrees Celsius. The Copernicus Climate Change…