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Lily Thompson

The Russian prosecutor is requesting a lengthy prison sentence for Girkin, a critic of Putin.

A request was made by a Russian state prosecutor to a Moscow court on Thursday to imprison prominent nationalist Igor Girkin for almost five years. Girkin has accused President Vladimir Putin and top army officials of not adequately handling the…

The American Red Cross is worried about the shortage of blood in the United States.

The American Red Cross has announced a severe shortage of blood, with levels at their lowest point in the past two decades. The number of individuals donating blood in the United States has decreased by 40%, due to factors such…

A recent survey found that 80% of American companies have plans to monitor office attendance in 2024.

A study of 800 American business executives revealed that nearly 29% of employers believe that working from the office can decrease employee burnout.Photo: Stock Photo () All About America explores American culture, politics, trends, history, ideals and places of interest….

The advancement of women’s rights is crucial for the economic revival of Afghanistan.

The report presents a dismal overview of socio-economic circumstances following the resurgence of the Taliban in August 2021. The decline of women’s rights and the near-collapse of the banking system are highlighted as significant issues of worry. The economy of…

, and the South Caucasus More than 450,000 children are living in institutions throughout Europe, Central Asia, and the South Caucasus.

According to the report “Pathways to Better Protection” by the UN Children’s Fund, children with disabilities make up 87% of those in care when data is accessible. The amount of unaccompanied and separated children seeking refuge in these facilities in…

food crisis The United Nations aid representative is calling for greater assistance to address the food crisis in Niger.

Around 4.3 million individuals, with more than half being children, have been impacted by a complex situation marked by war, natural disasters caused by climate change, famine, and disease outbreaks. The situation worsened for them in July 2023 when a…

Obstacles in providing aid to Gaza persist, causing delays in crucial relief efforts.

Humanitarian workers from the United Nations are issuing a warning that the level of aid provided to residents of Gaza is currently at a critical and dire stage. The recent update from the UN aid coordination office, OCHA, stated that…

A Chinese scientist shared the COVID-19 virus sequence 14 days prior to China’s official release of the data to the public.

According to documents released by a U.S. congressional committee on Wednesday, a Chinese researcher uploaded the genome sequence of the coronavirus responsible for COVID-19 to a U.S. government database two weeks prior to the Chinese government’s public sharing of the…

In the most recent overnight attacks, Russia and Ukraine have successfully taken down unmanned aerial vehicles.

Both Russia and Ukraine reported preventing drone attacks from each other on Thursday. The Ukrainian military stated that they successfully shot down 22 out of the 33 drones launched by Russia during their overnight attacks. They also mentioned that some…

The latest economic statistics indicate that China may face challenges in the near future.

The Chinese government released several economic indicators on Wednesday, showing that the economy is still facing challenges in recovering from the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. However, it did surpass the conservative growth goal set by the central government. In…