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Lily Thompson

International organizations express concern about renewed fighting in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo.

The United Nations Mission, known as MONUSCO, urged the group to adhere to the Luanda roadmap. This agreement was signed in 2022 by Angola, the DRC, and Rwanda with the goal of promoting peace in the troubled eastern region of…

An envoy has issued a warning that the ongoing conflict in the Democratic Republic of Congo could jeopardize the stability of the entire region.

During a meeting at the United Nations in New York, Bintou Keita, the Special Representative for the UN, called on ambassadors to take necessary actions to stop the conflict in North Kivu province from crossing over the border. She emphasized…

Madagascar, which has been impacted by climate change, is adjusting to the changing conditions. The UN Resident Coordinator has written a blog post about this adaptation process.

The residents of Madagascar are adjusting to the changing climate, as it is considered the fourth most impacted country by climate change globally. This information comes from the UN Resident Coordinator, the highest-ranking UN representative in the country located in…

The United States has rejected an Algerian proposal calling for an immediate end to the fighting in Gaza.

The most recent meeting of the Council regarding the escalating Middle East crisis resulting from the conflict in Gaza has concluded. The US exercised their veto power while the UK abstained, while Algeria’s resolution received support from 13 out of…

The World Food Programme issues a warning that the people of Gaza are barely surviving.

The UN World Food Programme (WFP) announced that it has been forced to temporarily halt the delivery of aid to northern Gaza until proper safety measures can be implemented. “We have not made the decision to suspend deliveries to the…

Russia may be subjected to additional sanctions following the death of Alexei Navalny.

The Ukrainian military announced new drone attacks by Russia on Tuesday, as calls for additional sanctions against Russia intensified after the death of incarcerated opposition leader Alexey Navalny. The air force of Ukraine reported that their air defense systems successfully…

The Lockbit cybercrime gang has been dismantled by Britain, the US, the EU, and their allies.

LONDON —  According to a statement on the gang’s blackmail website on Monday, Lockbit, a well-known cybercriminal group that demands ransom for stolen data, has been thwarted in a unique global law enforcement operation by the UK’s National Crime Agency,…

The competition between the United States and China extends to the field of biotechnology as lawmakers express concern.

WASHINGTON —  Lawmakers in the United States are expressing concern over the country’s inability to keep up with China in the field of biotechnology, citing potential threats to national security and business interests. However, as the competition between the two…

Biden Contemplating Imposition of Fresh Sanctions on Russia Following Navalny’s Passing

On Monday, President Joe Biden of the United States stated that he is contemplating implementing more sanctions against Moscow in response to the passing of Alexey Navalny, a Russian opposition leader who was imprisoned. “We already have sanctions,” Biden told…

The Ukrainian Ambassador has stated that the Russian aggression towards Ukraine poses a threat to the sovereignty of other nations.

GENEVA —  The ambassador of Ukraine to the United Nations in Geneva, Yevheniia Filipenko, cautioned on Monday that the unprovoked and unjustified invasion by Russia of Ukraine two years ago presents a significant danger to multilateralism and the principles of…