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Year: 2024

According to reports, Ukraine has shot down 17 out of 22 drones belonging to Russia.

The Ukrainian military reported that they successfully destroyed 17 out of 22 drones launched by Russia in an overnight attack targeting different regions across the country. The air force of Ukraine reported that the Russian strikes included five missiles aimed…

Can the Western powers be accused of engaging in a proxy conflict in Ukraine?

Since the United States and its allies have been providing military aid to Ukraine, Russia has repeatedly claimed that the West is using Ukraine to engage in a proxy war. However, Maxim Adams explains that the situation is far from…

After an explosion at a military site, Transnistria accuses a Ukrainian drone strike.

According to officials, a drone attack on a military base in Transnistria, an independent region in Moldova, caused a helicopter to be destroyed and a fire to break out on Sunday. The strike was attributed to Ukraine by the region’s…

The Secretary-General of the United Nations strongly denounces the assault on UN peacekeeping forces in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

The event took place near Sake, only 20 kilometers away from Goma, the main city of the North Kivu province. The injured peacekeepers, who were part of Operation Springbok that started in November to protect people in the area, got…

The Russian city of Belgorod continues to endure the spillover effects of the ongoing war in Ukraine.

BELGOROD, Russia —  Every day, the air raid sirens in the southern Russian city of Belgorod can be heard blaring, causing people to quickly seek shelter and serving as a constant reminder to residents that the neighboring country of Ukraine…

Efforts Underway to Control Overpopulation of Island Mice, Which Are Devouring Bird Populations

CAPE TOWN, South Africa —  Mice, unintentionally brought to a secluded island close to Antarctica two centuries ago, are multiplying rapidly due to the effects of climate change. They are feeding on seabirds and causing significant damage to a protected…

The United States has imposed sanctions on a network that is illegally smuggling American technology to Iran’s central bank.

Washington —  The U.S. government has announced sanctions against a group of businesses and individuals for helping transfer technology illegally from many U.S. companies to Iranian organizations, including the nation’s central bank. The Treasury Department declared on Friday that the…

The Desire for Happiness: California Legislators Seek Answers

SACRAMENTO, Calif. —  California Assemblyman Anthony Rendon likes to spend his spare time away from the Capitol in Sacramento with his 4-year-old daughter at home near Los Angeles. Last weekend, he took her ice skating and afterward to an indoor…

A novel type of hospital is being introduced to rural areas of America, lacking the provision of inpatient beds.

In the United States, rural hospitals are facing financial challenges and a newer type of hospital is emerging, particularly in the Southeast region. Rural emergency hospitals receive more than $3 million in federal funding a year and higher Medicare reimbursements…

In the southern region of Madagascar, young girls are forced into marriage even before they are born.

In a traditional arranged marriage, a valuable and significant Zebu cow is often exchanged for a female adolescent as young as 13 years old. Two organizations, UNICEF and the UN Population Fund (UNFPA), are collaborating with local officials to provide…